But mom!

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Chapter 3. Hopefully, I did a good job trying to create Seraphina's personality.

While John was dealing with the fiasco, Seraphina was too busy thinking about the mysterious blonde from the cafe. 

She kept getting distracting, thinking about him and the incident that occurred.
She wondered if it would have made a difference if she had done it differently; perhaps she was too pushy with her help?

She was still lost in her mind when her phone suddenly rang, making her jump.

The magenta haired girl checked the caller ID, and it seemed like time froze.

It was her mom.

It's been years since she last saw her, and Seraphina had no intention of ever contacting her.

Of course it seemed like her mom had the same intentions. Perhaps it was the disappointment she had in both her daughters when they had refused to be her prefect little models.


"Do you want to play with us?"

A 5 year-old Seraphina who was playing in a nearby park, looked up to see a blue-haired girl and boy look at her with wide, hopeful eyes.

Seraphina had no friends. Sure, she was the daughter of one of the most powerful influences in the city, but she didn't have anyone her age to play with, spending the day with her sister. Most children would either avoid her, or approach per their parents encouragement, hopeful that they'll be on Narsia's good side.

Never did a child ask her to play with them on their own will.

At a young age, Seraphina was able to tell who was only willing to be friends with her because her family was rich, which was why Seraphina was suspicious, glancing around for any adults that might be their parents.

She spotted a woman with same colored hair as the two siblings, but she didn't seem like the type to befriend someone based on popularity.

She looked back at the waiting children, and smiled at them.


The two were named Eric and Lana. They were really fun to be around, and Seraphina was glad to have them as her new friends.

They introduced her to their mom, who was really kindhearted and didn't treat Seraphina like an outsider. She bought them ice cream and snacks, and for the first time, Seraphina felt like she was home.

Unfortunately, that feeling didn't last long.

Shortly after, Seraphina's mom came calling for her.

"Seraphina! Seraphina, where are you?!"

"I'm here, mommy!"

"Seraphina, oh there you are-"

"Meet my new friends mom!"

Narsia glared at the blue-haired woman.

"Hi, my name is-"

"Go away."

"E-excuse me?"

"You heard what I said. Get out of here."

"Ma'am, I-"

"Mom, why are you telling her to go away?"

Narsia looked down at her daughter.

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