This is a true romance

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In the academy's editorial room , the atmosphere was electric for the others . The issue was about to go to print , but major stories had yet to be completed . The boys' group , assembled in the morning to finalize the sports pages , had worked until late in the afternoon . Now it was Tanya and her friends to take over . The women's team rushed inside . In the blink of an eye , the room came to life with the frantic clicking of fingers pounding computer keyboards , and little chatter of girls exchanging advice and comments on items to be completed . The Thea Sisters work very slowly , they never have been . After a few hours of work , when the sky behind the windows had turned an intense blue .

Tanya : Comrades , we did it !

Violet : Let's celebrate with a few cups of cocoa ! I'll go put the kettle on .

But as soon as she walked through the door , something caught her attention .

Violet : Huh ?

From the small , colorful letter box , hung beside the entrance to the room to collect mail , remarks and suggestions from academy students , there were more than three envelopes .

Violet : Someone wrote to the paper ?

Violet returns to the room with the envelopes .

Violet : We have letters here !

Colette : Let's read right away ! Maybe we'll get some inspiration for our next issue .

The first two envelopes are actually just trivial suggestions . Nicky opened the pink envelope , which contained a checkered sheet . Pamela , she grabs the yellow fold .

Nicky : A student is asking for advice about the summer vacation . Maybe we should do an article about vacation destinations !

Pamela : Yo , listen to this ! A guy named Carl is asking us to publish our favorite pizza recipe . What a scrumptious subject !

Colette : So answer him ! Ha , ha , ha !

Paulina : From one pizza lover to another...sounds like the perfect topic for you , Pam ! He , he !

The last envelope have completely different subjects . Tanya read the letter .

Colette : Tanya ? Is everything okay ?

Tanya came to her senses , shaking her head .

Tanya : You'll never believe it...Some girl here at the academy has secret admirer !

Tanya's words sparked a great stir .

Girl #1 : Secrets admirer ?!

Girl #2 : Can you tell who wrote the letter ?

Girl #3 : Who is for ?

Girl #4 : Let me see !

Girl #5 : Let me read it , too !

Devoured with curiosities , all her comrades hurried to Tanya and the two girls . Each was dying to know the contents of the mysterious missive . As the leave passed from paw to paw , the room filled with dreamy silence , punctuated only by a few sighs .

Pamela : Girls ?

Colette : No doubt about it...this is true romance !

Vanilla jumped to her feet and grabbed the letters .

Vanilla : Of course it is ! Stop sticking your snout in my personal business !

Vanilla is the most popular mouselet in Mouseford Academy , always surrounded by a crowd of admirers , was certain , this letter were clearly intended for her . Nicky scanned the folds all over the place , looking for her mate's name .

Nicky : I don't see your name on the envelope , Vanilla .

Tanya : Right . And your name isn't on the letter , either .

She gently removed the leaf from Vanilla's paws .

Vanilla : It's obviously meant for me ! Who else would it be for ?

Pamela : Actually , we don't even know if it's for a boy or a girl ! This could be intended for any student of campus ! Think about it , a girl or a guy who's too shy to proclaim his or her feelings writes an anonymus letter and sends it to the school newspaper to have it published !

Violet : Pam's right . This way , the student he or she is crushing on could read his or her words . And the writer wouldn't have to reveal his or her identity .

Colette : It's so romantic ! To bad the author doesn't have the courage to come forward !

Nicky : So let's help THEM declare Themself ! Let's publish the letter in the newspaper and ask the mystery student to reveal their identity .

Zoe : But there one problem...The newspaper were just done is already closed and it's too late to add another article .

Tanya : I have an idea ! We could publish them in the official editorial blog ! This way , students will be able to read the latest news from Mouseford Academy !

Dina : Good idea !

Tanya : Paulina , it's your job !

Paulina : Alright !

But at the same time , a girl came out of the room , she left the academy discreetly . In fact , this girl ... is a spy , it was Amalthea , one of the Satelles Iuppiters Minor . That same evening , Paulina posted the letters to the blog , along with a comment inviting her unknown senders to disclose . The hunt for secret lovers was on . Meanwhile , Amalthea had just arrived at her master's home on the planet Jupiter . Apotre Mercury and Apotre Venus are also present . In fact , Venus had asked Jupiter to send one of her moons to Mouseford Academy and see if the academy girls are bewitched by the love letters ... which Mercury himself had written under the request . of Venus .

Amalthea : Miss Venus's plan has worked out , the girls at Mouseford Academy who have read the love letter sent to you are bewitched .

Venus : I knew it that no young mortal can resist the words of love ! Mercury , more are needed . We'll write more for all the mouselets ... but not on paper . Would you be able to hack this academy's blog ? Once again , you will write everything I say .

Mercury : Hmm ... it's been a while since I hacked blogs ... but I'll do my best .

Apotre Jupiter turned to a huge map of the solar system . He has his eyes on planet Earth . Right now he's only thinking of one person . 

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