A letter for Vanilla

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In the evening , the planet Venus and the planet Mercury are the first stars to shine in the sky , while the planet Jupiter and Saturn have not yet made their appearance . Seen from Earthlings , Mercury and Venus seemed to be close , in fact , they were very far from each other . The two planets closest to the sun are in conjunction , like Apotre Venus and Apotre Mercury working together . The two SSA members appear in the sky above Mouseford Academy .

Mercury : It seems that the behavior of mortals are negative after reading the messages .

Venus : Yes , these poor idiots have all gone crazy just after reading all of our love messages ! But I have another victim in my mind . For that , I want you to dictate again .

Mercury : For who now ?

Venus : Listen carefully to my words and you will understand who...

Mercury did . When he was done , he read and reread the description to be sure , when the young boy understood , he gave the letter to Venus . The young woman looked at the letter with satisfaction . She sends the letter by herself . In her bedroom , Vanilla got ready to go to bed , she would rather sleep than wait for Connie who still hasn't come home . Near the door , Venus teleported and knocked .


Without waiting for the mouselet's answer , Venus slid the letter under the door .

Vanilla : who's there ?

She picked up the paper , the first thing she saw was her name written on it . She reads the letter without hesitation , when she has finished reading her emerald eyes shine with a thousand stars . Vanilla then contacts her friends to make them come . Reunite in the room .

Vanilla : '' Sweet Juliet ,

The time has come to meet !

Up until now I did not have the courage , but I can no loger remain silent . I must gaze into your beautiful emerald eyes and tell you the whole truth .

Meet me at Turtle Beach , north of Kneecap River , when the next full moon rises .

I will wait for you ,

Romeo ''

Zoe : Wow ! A rendezvous with Romeo !

Alicia : But you can only get to that beach by boat .

Vanilla : So what's the problem ? Reaching it will be easy !

Connie : But if it's a trap ?

Vanilla : Don't be paranoia , Connie ! That's why you all can't talk about this with anybody . Not until I've meet him . I just want to prove that no one can resist my charms ! If I like him , I might even ask him for an interview . Imagine the scoop...Vanilla reveals the identity of the mysterious Romeo !

Venus : He , he , he...you idiot .

The following day , the behaviors of the students at Mouseford Academy were now difficult to control , which the headmaster decided to cut the wifi for the moment , but the option does not prevent the students from changing their behaviors . Many of them had downloaded messages to their laptops or other devices , there are also those who have connected to Wi-Fi elsewhere in town . Not only are the boarders bewitched by the messages , but there are now teachers who have taken possession of them . Connie , on the other hand , had sensed the bad energies spreading throughout the academy . She was on her way to meet her comrades , today is the day of the presentation of the assignment requested by Anna . While the teacher is late , the Thea Sisters think it's time to tell their allies about their very first transformation , their encounter with the queens of another world , and the reason for their fight against coming enemies from other planets ... despite the current situation with Romeo , but Dina , Tanya , Vic , Shen and Craig must understand their power and their battles with the Solar System Apotres . After having told everything .

Dina : It's hard to believe it , girls .

Tanya : You say you meet five women who claim to be queens of a other world ?

Colette : What it's truth . Together , we can fight the forces of evil and protect Planet Earth ! We each have a special power to fight them , the Stones Sacred are the source of our power !

Paulina : If we let the enemies take over Earth , they will destroy it !

Violet : This is the reason why we have transformed so that it does not happen .

They all took out their stone , brooch and magic pen .

Shen : They look like a normal stone ...

Craig : I still can't believe that these stones have extraordinary powers .

Pamela : I know it sounds hard to believe ... but you will get used to it . The important thing is to join forces to come out victorious .

At that moment , Roni was the last to arrive , seeing the Thea Sisters and their friends , he is hiding behind a plant . A little later , Professor Aria arrived , and the class began .

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