Chapter 6/ Can A Moment Last Forever?

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       Today was pretty much like every other day, except for the fact that you were graduating. Honestly you were just happy for it to be over with, you had a love/hate relationship with school, and the accelerated learning program you were in. Finishing with a 3.86 GPA, you were feeling quite proud however. You were salutatorian, you didn't have to give a speech, and that was a win in your book.

Jordan on the other hand, is absolutely ecstatic. She is doing your makeup right now, and you told her not to make it too extreme. But you already have about 50 pounds of eyeshadow on, and it just keeps going downhill. You think she may be a bit overzealous, but eventually she finishes. You are amazed, it's like she's cast some sort of spell on you. You have soft pink eyeshadow, which is darker on your outer eye, and flawless eyeliner. Any imperfections on your skin have melted away, your skin is like porcelain. "Oh my god.." You manage to get out. "it's beautiful Jordan, thank you!" You cling to her. She pats your head with the makeup brush still in hand. "Don't thank me, thank your momma for those genes kiddo." She chuckles. You pull away and admire your outfit and makeup in the mirror before you say: "Thanks mom!" And you both burst into a fit of laughter.

Everything before this moment was a blur. You only vaguely remember standing with all the other graduates of your year, most of them being much older than you. Sipping punch and waiting to take your seats. You do not vividly remember finally sitting down either. But now, you were fully aware as the announcer called, "Y/n L/n, our salutatorian." You walk across the stage in your cap and gown, take your Diploma, shake his hand, and before you knew it the moment was over. You were happy that Jordan was there to see you, but you couldn't help but wish that your parents were there to see you too. 

When the after party was over, and after you took about 20 pictures with people you barely knew, your graduation was over. And it was not nearly as exciting as you imagined. You were actually very underwhelmed. Were other people's graduations so brief? Still though, you were very glad to be finished with high school. You had already decided that you would be waiting a year, or possibly more, to attend college. If you went at all, it would be because you needed to. Right now, you wanted to enjoy your youth while you still had it, being in high school classes at such a young age had taken a lot of your time to be just be a kid, as did many other things. And you were a teenager now. As much as you want to, you can't stay little forever. 

It was 2 AM, you and Jordan had stayed up having a "party". Which mostly consisted of her taking pictures of you, and you guys watching 'Mean Girls' while eating graduation cupcakes.  Once the movie was over, you decided hit the hay. Jordan took the hint and went back to her apartment after saying her goodnight. You figured you'd shower in the morning, or later today rather. You put on your pajamas and climbed into bed, and you were lulled to sleep by the sounds of rain and the city.

You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing. It's a number you don't know, so you decide not to answer. You turn over and try to go back to sleep. But it rings again, and it's the same number. You pick up your phone and answer the call. 

"Hello, is this Y/n?" A voice says.

 "Donnie?" You reply groggily.

"Yeah it's me." You hold back a yawn. 

Donnie's voice doesn't sound like it usually does.

"How did you get my number? I didn't give it to you did I?" 

"Well no, not exactly, Mikey gave it to me."

You did remember giving the orange clad turtle your number, but he hadn't called.

"Oh, right.." You could've sworn you heard a small sob on the other end.

"Donnie? Are you okay?" You could hear him clearly now. 

 "N-No."  He stuttered.

You were unsure of what to say, so there was silence. 

"Can I.. Can I come over?"

"Sure."  You say, and are surprised at how apathetic you sound.


And then he hangs up.

Soon after, there's a tap on your window. You open it, to find a drenched Donatello. He looks like a lost puppy out in the rain. You quickly usher him in. "Come inside, I'll get you some towels and a heating pad okay?" He stands awkwardly in your room waiting for you to come back, and tries his best not to soak your things. You return with your warmest towels and the heating pad. You wrap him in the towels and help him dry off. "Here, sit down on the bed." You realize you haven't turned on the light, so you do so, and what you see horrifies you. Donatello has a huge cut on his lip, and a bruise on the side of his mouth. You assume he's been beaten up by the Foot Clan. You rush to your first aid kit.

"Okay, this might sting a little." You say as you gently dab alcohol on Donnie's wound. He breathes in sharply. "Sorry." You look at the boy sitting in front of you. In all honesty he looks pitiful, wrapped up in a blanket like that. You wonder why he came to you, and not someone else. You place bandages on the cut as gently as possible, which is difficult when it's on his face. You give him an icepack for his bruise. "Feel better?" You ask. "Mhm. Thank you.. this means a lot." You look at him empathetically. "How did this happen Donnie?" He looks at you, he looks as vulnerable as ever. "You can tell me, I won't make fun of you, I promise." He still doesn't look reassured. You hold up two fingers. "Scouts honor." You smile. He chuckles halfheartedly. He is quiet for a moment, he's looking at the floor, and occasionally at you. "We.. we had a fight." 

"You and your brothers?"

He nods.

"What were you fighting about?"

"Oh.. something stupid, like always. Leo being paranoid and over protective or something like that."

He seems to be trying to act unbothered, but is failing miserably.

"Oh, I see." You nod as you say this.

You reach out and touch his face. He seems surprised by your action. 

You gently rub your thumb over his bandages. 

"But how did this happen Donnie?"

His eyes start to water, and he puts his hand over yours. He stares into your eyes for a moment, and then presses his face to your hand and cries. You guide his head onto your shoulder. You lean back onto your pillow. Donatello is basically laying on you now, and you are holding him tighter than ever.

Donnie takes a moment to process what he is doing. He is thinking of the fight, and what his brothers said to him and one another. And that hurt more than the bruise on his face. Next thing he knew, he was leaning closer to you, not totally conscious for a minute. But when his face touched your skin, Donnie felt something new. He cried into your shoulder, and you held him like he was the most precious thing. He had never been held like this before. No one had ever pet his head ever so gently like this. You held him as if he might break at the slightest wrong touch. It felt like a fuzzy blanket was placed over him; this feeling was incredibly warm. He could hear himself sobbing, and feel the now moist fabric of your shirt. He wrapped his arms around your torso and laid his head on your chest. He relaxed at the sound of your heartbeat. He savored your soft shushes, and caresses. He wanted to speak at that moment, he wanted to tell you how he felt. But Donatello realized.. he does not know what he is feeling. All Donnie knew, was that he felt complete with his arms around your frame. He cherished the way you held him, and told him everything would be okay. He has stopped crying. His face still feels damp from the tears, but you don't seem to care as you stroke them. He looks into your eyes, and though Don knows you are much smaller than him, he still feels safe. You are both unsure of how much time has passed, but it felt like an eternity. Donnie wished it could last forever. "It's okay," You whispered softly. "you don't have to tell me." 

And right then and there, Donatello knew exactly what he was feeling.

It was love.

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