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As I walk down the hall, I expect to see Harry around but he wasn't. It was rather strange. There wasn't a time today that I didn't bump into his sexy self. "Looking for Harry, Niall?" I jumped when I heard Keenan behind me. I turned and glared at the boy.

"No." I lied and he scoffed. "Yeah right. Like I'm going to believe the bunch of bullshit." He said and I rolled my eyes and prayed that my cheeks weren't pink. Obviously, I suck at hiding my blush so he ended up noticing and it sure was hell after that. I tried ignoring him but it was kinda hard specially if he kept poking my sides and saying thing to make me blush.

It all came to one point where his girlfriend came up to us and had an annoyed expression on how I was supposedly turning her boyfriend gay. I rolled my eyes. Bitch, he's already gay. He just hasn't realized it yet.

Trust me. Keenan will turn out to be gay and I'm not even going to be surprised. "Well, Keenan, I'll leave you alone with your girl. I don't want to see you suck each other's face off." I said and closed my locker and turned to walk away.

Of course Keenan being Keenan, he ditched his girlfriend and followed me. I did hear her scream out how she was done with him. He had simply not cared. "Good! Now I don't have to deal with you annoying me and taking my hoodie just because your friends think it's cute that do when your cold! I prefer Niall over this shit we had!" he yelled and then turned to me.

"So, I heard that Harry is back. That's why I came to find you." He said and I gaped at him. How is he taking that break up so well. But then again, he would always ditch her for me. It's sweet of him but yeah.

"Okay, and why would I want to know that he is back now?" I said as we stopped in front of my Art class. "Oh, because we switched seats and I saw the seating chart and guess who you see next to." My eyes widen. He had to be kidding me.

"No no no no no no, he can't sit next to me!" I cried. He laughed and spun me around and I saw inside the class. Harry was already sitting on his spot and it was the spot where only two people sit and it was far from my friends.

I groaned and walked up to the teacher and yes, I was seated next to Harry. I slowly made my way to the seat next to him and sat down and immediately made sure that there was enough space between us. His words kept replaying and it was bugging me. He wants me to get over him. But him being perfectly sexy, it's not going to be easy.

I ignored him a much as I could and soon enough the bell would be ringing. I did the final touches to my drawing and then went to turn it in but before I got up, Harry spoke up.

"Can you help me?"

I stared at him for a few minutes and then nodded. "What do you need help in?" I asked and looked down at his paper. We were using pens and it was a bit difficult. When he didn't answer in what he needed help I looked up to him and he had that signature blank stare on. I sighed and then went to leave but he grabbed my left wrist before I could.

"Wait." He said and I turned to look at him. "What?" I snapped. He looked a bit taken aback and then let me go. I turned my drawing and then went back to pack my things and then quickly as possible tried getting out of the class but the teacher called me back before I was out. I groaned and went to where she was sitting at her desk.

"Yes Ms. Premo?" I said and she looked up. "I wanted to tell you that I have entered your painting to a contest and I want you to write a fifty word description to go with it. Here's the paper that tells you what you need to write and how to format it." She said and handed me the paper. I was shocked that my painting was in a contest.

"I'll get this in by tomorrow." I said and she nodded. "Alright. I really hope you win, your very talented Niall." She said before I thanked her and walked out. I sighed and headed to my locker and I really couldn't wait until this day ended. I really didn't want to deal with Harry anymore for today.


So this was more of a filler chapter?? idek. Anyhoran, guess what you guys!!!

MY CRUSH TALKS TO ME NOW!! ASDFGHJKL!! we sit at the same table in one of my classes and he sits across from me and oh my god. There is so much awkwardness and eye contact going on between me and him. cx

He has like the sexiest voice. Ugh!! >.< and is tall and hot and nice and his laugh is so cute and his smile.... ITS A KILLER! well, idek if you guys will think if he's cute I sure do so. cx

Anyhoran, thanks for all the support! cx

Love you!

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