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"Niall, what's wrong dear?" I looked away from the tv and turned to my mum. I sighed and she took the remote and turned off the tv. Hey, I watching something woman!

She sat next to me and I already knew where this was heading. For some reason, my mum scares me on how she finds out about a lot of things.

"Niall," she said. I kept my gaze on her and she took it as a signal to keep going. "What's bothering you? I've noticed you a little weird yesterday that you came from school and today." She added.

Mothers. Always noticing your littlest moves. "Come on, you can tell me." She said. Yeah right, I can't tell her anything without her bugging me.

"It's nothing really, it's just that my teachers are--"

"Niall James, I know when something is bothering you. So don't lie young man." She warned. See what I mean? She notices everything!

"Well, as I told you before, it's about, you know who." I said. Not wanting to say his name. She quickly understood and thought for a minute before she spoke again.

"What about him?" She asked. I didn't exactly wanted to tell her what the exact problem was so I did what most people would do. I lied.

"It's just... He doesn't talk to me still even though I come across him a lot and all I ever am, is be nice to him. It confuses me with how he is." I said and she nodded.

"Well, maybe he isn't worth you liking him. You know? Try to move on from such a douche like him. I can tell he isn't any good for you." She said and smiled. I chuckled. Harry was kinda of a douche if you think about it.

"I guess you're right mum." I said and smiled back at her. She gave me a quick hug before getting up from the couch and going back into the kitchen.

The only problem I had now was, how the hell am I to be able to forget that damn kiss. All day today I avoided Harry. And that was very easy since he didn't go to school.

He made it easier for me and I thank him for that. I sighed and got up from the couch and walked up to my room. I just remembered that I had homework to do.


"Niall!" I turned and noticed Keenan running towards me. I saw how he kept bumping into many people and once he was getting close to me, someone pushed him harshly and he came crashing onto my body.

"Ow." I said as I felt the impact. "Why are you in such a hurry?" I demanded and Keenan simply laughed.

"Nothing, it's just that, I found out that Harry might be gay. Some rumors say that he kissed someone. No one knows who the guy he kissed is, but I mean, how did they not see who it was?" He said and I suddenly felt nervous.

I felt like I was in danger. In danger of Harry wanting to kill me. I smiled nervously and tried playing a long with what Keenan said.

"Really? And who told you this?" I said. He went on a whole list on how he gathered the whole information, but all I could think of, was how Harry was going to act about all of this.

"But anyways, let's go to class. Or else we're going to be late." Keenan said and I snapped into reality again. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Alright." I said and followed him towards the class. I kept biting my lip all threw out my first three class and it came to the fourth, Karen had noticed and asked about it.

"Why are you biting your lip so hard?" She said. I looked over to her and blushed a bit. "I don't know. I'm just nervous about something." I said. But that wasn't enough for her.

"Nervous about what? And don't lie Niall." She said. I knew I was screwed then. "It's nothing really. I don't even know why I'm nervous." I said and she didn't seem to believe me but let it go.

Thank goodness. And for the first time all day, I actually paid attention to what we were being taught. But of course, that didn't last long.

The thoughts of Harry came back and I was getting anxious again. Class was about to end and I was scared. I think I might as well just call my mum and say that I'm not feeling well.

Let's see if that works. Highly doubt it, but hey, it's worth the try. Just as I thought of this, the bell rang and I let out a shaky breath. I packed my things rather slowly and then walked out at the same speed.

The hallway wasn't very crowed and I was thankful for that. I made my way to my locker, but on my way there, I noticed someone leaning beside it.

I felt my breath hitch and I realized that it was Harry. Just act cool Niall. Yeah, right. It's Harry freaking Styles. The one person I've been avoiding purposely.

I kept walking rather slowly and once I was a few feet away, his gaze met mine and I looked away and continued walking towards my locker.

Once getting to it, I unlocked it and quickly exchanged a few things and was about to leave when I felt myself being pulled back harshly.

By non other than Harry.

I turned to face him and I swallowed hard. Our eye contact never broke until he spoke. And of course, I was the one who broke it. Cause come on, I'm a freaking chicken to these type of situations.

"Have you heard what they've been saying? Because of that stupid kiss you initiated!" He hissed. My mouth went agape. This can't be happening.

I felt my eyes prickle with tears, but I pushed them back. Hell no am I going to cry in front of him. "Excuse me? The kiss I initiated? Last time I checked, you started it!" I snapped.

He glared. Oh wow, he has emotions. Never knew. Maybe cause all he ever does is stare at me blankly.

"I didn't start shit! You were the one who seduced me into kissing you." He sneered.

Oh, so now I'm slut? Awesome! Never knew I I was one.

"You little shit! How dare you accuse me of such thing! I was perfectly fine until you showed up and basically was trying to get me to hang out with you. You did this all by yourself!" I exclaimed and it seemed to have piss him off.

Well, he's not the only one. He's getting on my last nerve and for goodness sake! He's a freshie. He's at the bottom of the food chain.

"I did nothing! And because of you, now people are assuming that I'm a fucking faggot! Which I'm not! And I told you to quit having whatever feelings you have for me." He snapped and that was the last line.

My hand suddenly came in contact with his cheek. Tears were prickling at my eyes. I didn't care if he wanted me to get over him. He now made it easier for me to get over him and it had only taken that one word the left his mouth.

"How fucking dare you?!" I hissed and started walking away.

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