02. six a.m.

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( ! six a.m. ! )


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JULIET HATED MORNINGS. They were unnecessary in her opinion. "The day shouldn't start till at the earliest 12pm" She'd always say when someone asked her what her thoughts on mornings were (which was a surprisingly large amount of people).

But the mornings Juliet absolutely hated the most were the ones where Felix found a reason to pull her from her bed even earlier than usual. He had told her that he'd be meeting Victor at 7:15 that morning to walk to school, which meant she'd be joining him by Felix's logic.

So when he showed up to her house at 6am, Juliet was just outright confused. "You told me 7:15." Juliet frowned, rubbing her eyes as she tried to get the sleep out of them. "Yeah, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that 7:15 could have been wrong. It might have been 7 instead."

"So why are you here at 6?"

Felix sighed, walking into Juliets home. "Oh okay, come on in." Juliet stated, eyes widening a bit. Felix shot her a look. "Because we are going to head over to Victors at 6:40 just incase."

"Why couldn't you pick Victor up and then come and force me away from my home?" Juliet wondered, wishing that had been what he had done instead.

"Because I'm not going to go to Victors at 6am, Juliet. I'd look like a crazy person."

"You're already a crazy person." Juliet responded.
Felix gasped in fake shock. "You hurt me with your words." Juliet laughed a bit. "Yeah, okay." She caught Felix's expecting eyes as he stared her down waiting for her to tell him the place to go and sit. "Just— go sit on the couch and wait."

Felix did as told and took a seat on the couch, beginning to mess on his phone. He had come over to Juliets fully dressed and ready for the day. But she hadn't even fully woken up. She honestly didn't know how he did it.

"If you want anything to eat there's a few things in the fridge. I'll be out in a bit." Juliet offered. Felix shot her a thankful thumbs up with a smile and that was her cue to head back into her bedroom and shut the door.

Jack was a heavy sleeper so she didn't have to worry about him until 6:30. But Juliet had always found herself waking up at any noise that was loud enough.

The brunette looked into her closet for just about anything to wear. It was the first day of school and while she never really cared too much about the opinions of her peers, there was still a part of her that wanted to fit in.

She hated how the small part of her that wanted her peers to like her only seemed to grow when the two most popular girls in her grade had for some reason taken an interest in her during their freshman year.

WHAT A TIME ━━ felix westonWhere stories live. Discover now