Dear The Man Who Started This All,

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         Brennen Taylor: my least favorite words and person in the galaxy. You planned a whole murder just because you liked me? Did you really think that killing my best friend was going to make me feel things towards you? You even got my friends involved. Or should I say ex-friends?

         I can't believe that they helped you with this. Well since you offered them 100k each to help you out is very tempting. But just so I'm clear, I will never like you. You are the main reason why I am going to end my life.

         You took my happiness away from me and I don't know what I'm supposed to do now that he's gone. And don't even get me started on how you killed him. It's just disgusting. Getting Nate to use goat antlers to stab him? No wonder no one has ever loved you. You're a disgusting human being and a disgrace to everyone on this planet

         I hope you get caught by the police and spend the rest of your life in jail where you belong.

   - Colby

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