Dear The Love Of My Life,

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         Hiya, Sammy. I don't know why I'm writing this letter because I know you're never going to see it. And for some reason I felt anxious about doing this letter but now that I've started I feel like writing a whole novel, but I don't have that long.

         You did not deserve to be killed, Sam. I wish I was there to help save you but I wasn't. Something that really hurts me is that I never got to tell you my true feelings for you. I never got to tell you that I loved you, and not just as a friend. I wanted to kiss you, hold you in my arms, play with your gorgeous blond hair and comfort you when you needed it but Brennen and some others took that opportunity away from me.

         Loosing you was my worst fear because I never knew what I would've done if you died. I guess now we do. I know that you wouldn't want me to do this but I can't stop all the thoughts. I tried, I really tried. I've been trying for a week non-stop but nothing is working. So I figured that this is the best way to take away my pain.

         I'm just glad that I got to kiss your soft lips at least once. I still remember us filming the video and kissing. Too bad we had to cut it out.

         I'll see you soon, Sammy. I love you, always and forever <3

   - Colby

The Goodbye Letters // Solby✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ