My Terrible Accident

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We play on the sand bar and we are having a blast! Locke and I are having a competition to see who can body surf the farthest. When he beats me for the forth time, I rest and walk around a bit.

Then all of a sudden I feel the worst pain I have ever felt in my life! I scream bloody murder and drop to my knees under the water. Something got me! Something zapped my thigh off! I feel someone lift me up from under my arms and hold me in the bridal as I cough up water.
" MAE, MAE, WHAT HAPPENED! " Link says from above me.
I just scream and cry, the pain is unbearable!
" Something got me " I yell.
" Where! " Link yells.
I throw my arm toward my leg and I see that my right thigh is gushing blood, it wasn't zapped off.
I look up and Link and his eyes slowly close, and he drops me in the water. He fainted! I remember what Rhett said about blood. I stay in the water for a while, but as I'm running out of air I hear running footsteps getting close to me.

Then strong hands pick me up and carry me bridal style. I try to look up, but fail from the salt water getting in my eyes, but I try again and it's Rhett. I look at his worried face and I forget about my pain for a second. Then I comes back.
" I heard the whole thing, your gonna be okay " He says I think convincing himself more than me.
He runs me to shore and screams. "Someone call 911! "
Christy then rushes to me and helps Rhett lay me on her beach towel. I lay down and I sob from the pain.
" What do you think happened " Rhett whispers Christy, and I can tell they don't want me to hear, but I've always had amazing hearing.
I then scream again from the pain it's now in my whole foot and ankle.
" God Rhett, I don't know. I just hope it isn't serious " Christy says.
Then I hear a vehicle pull up and Christy and Rhett and I hop in.
The drive isn't long until we are at a medical center, they run in and get me to a room.

Two medical people set me on a bench and they give me a heating pad and I have to wrap it around my thigh.
I scream again, and cry harder. I'm in the worst pain I've ever felt in my life and it won't stop!
" Miss, what happened " Christy asks.
" We're pretty positive she has been stung by a jellyfish " The lady says.
" Jellyfish? It's not serious or anything right? " Rhett asks.
" No it's not. She be okay in 4 or 5 hours, but until then her pain will most likely get worse " The lady says.
For the next 30 minutes all I do is cry, I finally lift my thigh out of the heating pad and it's a deep shade of purple and it looks really wrinkly from the water. Then I see Link run in with Lincoln and Locke and he kneels in front of me. Locke and I make eye contact and he looks so worried about me, it's cute.
" Are you okay? I'm so sorry I fainted! " He says with sadness in his voice.
" It's okay Link " I say realizing my voice his super shaky, " It wasnt your fault. "
He gives me a hug, and I start to cry again, because the pain is terrible.
Then lady that's been helping me gives me another of the huge pills that I have to dry swallow.

The rest if the five hours are pretty much the same and I start to feel better, although I can't really walk.
I put my arms around Lincoln and Locke and they help me walk all the way to a restaurant in the sunset. It's a low key beach themed restaurant and we sit at a huge round table on the patio of the restaurant.
" Guys I'm sorry I ruined your day " I say.
" It wasn't your fault " Rhett says.
We order a huge pizza to split and it really yummy. As I eat my delicious Hawaiian pizza, I look out at the sunset over the beach and I pull out my camera and snap a few shots.
" That's a nice camera Mae " Christy says.
" Thanks! " I say.
" I love photography! I started when I was about your age " Christy says.
We talk for a bit more and I show her my pictures. The rest of the night turned out to be petty good,

Hey guys how did you like the chapter! :) and THANK YOU FOR 100 READS!!! It means so much guys ;)

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