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It's only been a month and I'm really popular at school! I sit at a round lunch table with Stella, Darci, and Elsie.
" I so ship you and Locke " Elsie says fixing her blonde braided hair.
" I know, same! " Darci says with a mouth full of gross school jello.
" Are you gonna eat that? " Stella asks disgusted. I start the humming the new song that Rhett & Link just came out with, " Are you gonna eat that? "
" I can't! " Darci says and she runs to the trash can and spits out the jello. She comes back with the most embarrassed face.
" Davis just saw me do that! " Darci says. In my head I think of how much I hate Davis and his he almost ruined my relationship with Locke, which is going amazing by the way.
" Guys we gotta get going " I say looking at the time on my phone.
" Yea, we gotta get to technology " Elsie says giggling. Me and Elsie look forward to technology everyday.

We always laugh so hard in and out of class at Mr. Uzi. He is this short Chinese man with the most squinty eyes and high pitch voice, he always talks so quickly and with a big cheesy smile. When we walk into class he sits in his little chair and his little body waddles to us as his head bobs.

"Hellopleasetakethismouseandhookituptoyourcomputers" He says quickly and gives us each a mini red mouse.
" Okay " I say heading to an assigned seat. I hook up the mouse and I click on my file that's has my report on Argentina on it. I start typing and researching till class ends. The day flies by and before I know it the day is over.
" Bye Stell, Bye Darc, Bye Els " I say leaving through the doors. Link's car is pulled up and I hear music blaring inside of it, all the way from the doors. Everyone waiting outside giggles at me and I giggle with them. I go and hop in the passenger seat of Links car and he turns it down a few notches so we can talk.

" Hey Mae " Link says, " How was school? "
" Oh, it was alright " I say.
" Good...Good " Link say.
He turns on the radio again and All About That Bass comes on. Link kind of hums along and sings a couple words, but by the first chorus we are both full on singing.
" ALL ABOUT THAT BASS, BOUT THAT BASS, NO TREBLE ", Then I hear siren sounds in the music and we both looks puzzled. I turn down the radio and I see that we are being chased by a cop car.
" Crap! " Link says.
" Craps right! " I say.
" Hello, License and Registration " The officer says.
" So, Mr. Neal. You were over the limit by 12 " He says with a sour look on his face.
Link looks down in his lap and says with a tiny voice. " Sorry "
I look in my lap and I try my hardest not to laugh.
The officer leaves for awhile and we just kind of sit there in silence.
" This happened once when Rhett and I were filming on a road trip and we got a ticket " Link with a slight smile.
" That was one of my favorite videos actually, super fun to film " Link says.
" I don't think I've seen it " I say.
"Well, I'll show it to when we get home" Link says.
The officer walks back up mad gives Link a ticket, we just keep driving and a bit slower this time.

" AND IIIIIIIIIIIEEEEIIII WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOOOOUUUUU " Link says and I join in by "always love you".
We sing a couple more songs like Can you feel the love tonight and we will rock you. It is super fun and we get home.

We walk in and I go to my room, I look at the group selfie that Stella, Elsie, Darci, Locke, and I took and I put a 😂 emoji on it, because Locke is giving me bunny ears and making the funniest face. Then I see Skyler in the background, Stella warned me about her the 2nd day of school. She is a bully and well, not good. I lay on my bed and serf Tumblr for what seems like hours, and I know I have to go to the kitchen for homework time. Everyday at 4:15, Lincoln and I have to get all of our homework done, because believe it or not Link and Christy are super strict about grades, and it's not really anything different, because I've always been strict about my grades. I go down to the kitchen and I pull out my math book and get started. Lincoln starts with writing in a notebook.
" Any tests or quizzes coming up? "
" I have a French exam tomorrow " I say.
" Do you need any help studying " Link asks.
" Actually I kind of do " I say looking at my French study sheet. Link gives me kind of a disappointed look, like I'm not prepared but he sits down next to me and I hand him the sheet.
We go over it and Link and I make up songs to remember everything and we have fun. The text of the night consists of dinner, more Tumblr, texting Locke, and Netflix.

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