The First Day of School

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I wake up to my blaring loud alarm, I feel tired, but I know I have to get up. I grab my phone to turn it off. Since I fell asleep with wet hair last night my hair is a curly mess. I go and straighten my hair and clip it back with a mini light pink flower. I put on a navy sundress with white and light pink flowers on it. I buckle my silver sandals and I grab my floral backpack. I spray some perfume and I grab my phone seeing I got 2 texts.

Mom: Have a great first day of school

I get tears in my eyes because I miss my mom so much. But I dab them away, because I don't wanna ruin my masscara.

Ashley: Have a good 1st, every1 is gonna miss ya

I text them both back and I go down to the kitchen.

" Morning Mae " Link says with a big mug of coffee on his lips.
" Morning " I say sitting down in a chair.
He gives me some cereal, and I eat quickly knowing I only have 5 minutes.
" We have to pick up Stella, she is only 3 doors down " Link says. I give him a thumbs up because my mouth is full of cereal. We head out the door and I get into Link's car and he drives down to a little heather gray house with pretty red flowers in the front. Then Stella pops out of her door and runs to the car.

" Hey Link, thanks for picking me up " She says with her energetic voice.
" Oh no problem Stella " He says.
" Hey Mae " Stella says with a big grin. She reminds me of Ashley with her red hair, but Ashley isn't as chipper. Right about now I bet she is asleep on the bus and crying on the inside about school.
" Hey Stella " I say.
" I love your dress! " She says.
" Oh thanks, I love yours too " I say looking at her purple and white paisley dress.
" So what classes do you have for first hour " Stella asks.
" Uh, Algebra 2 in room 408 " I say, " Where is that? "
" Um, that's in the high school " Stella says astonished. It's not really anything different then what I was expecting I'm about 3 years ahead in math.
" Oh " I say still worried about where I'm going.
" It's two doors to the left from the entrance " Stella says, " And my mom will be your teacher. "
" Really? Cool! " I say.
" So I'll be dropping you off at the middle school and Mae at the high school " Link asks Stella.
" Yep " Stella says.

We compare schedules and I see that we have 2 classes together, Band and Social Studies.

1st Quarter Schedule - Mae Johnson

7:35- Math: Room 408 Mrs. Leslie

8:35- Band: Room 367 Mr. Greyson

9:35- Science: Room 341 Mr. Williams

10:45- English: Room 352 Mrs. Troy

11:45- Lunch

12:45- Technology: Room 303 Mr. Uzi

1:45- Foreign Language ( Spanish, German, or French )

2:45- Dismissed

" What do we do for foreign language? " I ask.
" You get to choose what language you do, and the classrooms are lined up, so they make is super easy for you! " Stella says. I then think that of what language I should do. French, definitely French, because i want to go to Paris.
" I'm gonna do French " I say.
" I'm doing German, cause my Grandpa is all German " She says.
Then Link pulls up to a big building and Stella gets out. Then he drives a short distance and I'm at an even bigger building.
" Have a great first day Mae! " Link says.
" Thanks " I say with my shaky voice.
I get out of the car and I look back at Link he gives me a thumbs up, then I walk through the glass doors. I'm bombarded with people! I push against a wall, and stay close to it as I walk to the class room. It's small, but there is only two other people in it. I sit in the second row in the middle and I pull out The Fault in Our Stars.

When I see a lot of people walk in I shut my book, and stuff it in my backpack and exchange it for my light blue notebook and calculator. I then write Math at the top of the first page and doodle faces on the inside of the cover.
" Hi everyone I'm Mrs. Leslie it's great to see you all bright and early " A plump red headed woman says.
" I would also like to welcome a seventh grader, all the way from Michigan! She's on the USExchange Program at the moment and I would like to give Mae a warm LA welcome " She says looking at me.
" Hun raise your hand so everyone can see " She says to me. I think it's obvious enough, because I'm like a foot smaller then everyone here, but I do it anyway. Mrs. Leslie hands us all light blue math books and we open to the first lesson.
She teaches and I take notes and answer mostly all the questions, because no one raises their hands. The class ends and I take up my bag and write down in my agenda that I have 20 questions on page 2.
" Hey Mae, could I speak to you for a second " Mrs. Leslie says. I walk toward her and stand I front of her desk.
" Your did a really good job Mae, I'm very impressed with you! " She says.
" Thank you " I say shyly.
" If you ever need any help or anything, I'm here. Okay? " She says nicely.
" Thank you so much! How do you get to the middle school? " I ask.
" Oh, just head out the entrance and take the right sidewalk all the way to the front doors " She says.
" Thanks " I say.

I walk out the front doors and walk along the sidewalks to the middle school. I go through the front doors, and I decide that I'll go ask the office where the band room is.
" Hey Mae " Stella says with a clunky trumpet case in her hands.
" Hey Stella. Oh my gosh I forgot my flute! " I say panicky.
" I know. Link dropped it off at the office. " Stella says smiling with just the corners of her mouth. She hands me my black flute case and we both walk to the band room. I'm overwhelmed by kids and I stand there awkwardly not knowing where to sit. Stella goes to sit at the side and I sit in the front with other flute players warming up. I pull out my flute and I start doing scales and arpeggios.
" Hi " a girl says to me.
" Hi " I say.
" Are you new this year I haven't seen you around " She says, and I see her pure chocolate skin reflect in her flute.
" Yea, I'm here on the USExchange Program " I say.
" Oh, Mae right? " She says.
" Um yea " I say a little weirded out.
" Skyler get away from her " Stella says. I look at Stella with a confused face and she mouths to me. " I'll explain later "
I nod back and I see a tall man with gray in his stubble on his face step in front of the class. All of class he teaches about notes and rhythm, it's super easy and it seems like class goes on and on and on. The bell finally rings and I get up and walk to Stella that's by the door.
" So what do you have next " Stella asks me.
" Um, Science I think " I say. I pull up my schedule on my phone and I see that I'm right, " And its with Mr. Williams. "
" That's all the way in the back of the school, I'll walk you there " Stella says.
" Won't you be late for your class " I say.
" Yea, but my teacher for this hour I have Mrs. Greene, so she won't be mad. She's kind of a pushover " Stella says.

Stella walks me to the Science classroom and all she talks about is 5SOS and how she is definitely gonna marry Luke Hemmings. But all I think about is when I'm gonna see Locke again. We get to a giant classroom and Stella drops me off and says she will pick me up after. I walk in and I sit in the front corner. I start humming I'm On Vacation.
" I don't eat fudge much in my daily routine! " I then recognize the voice.
" Locke? " I say turning around and seeing Locke looking different. His hair is gelled down to his head and he looks like a dork.
" Nice hair " I say.
" Oh my God, my Mom did this and I've tried so hard to undo it, but it doesn't budge " He says mad.
" OMG, wait a sec " I say. I go in my bag pack and I see my plain black beanie.
" Here " I say handing it to him.
" Mae. Your a lifesaver " Locke says putting it on. He blushes a bit, then class starts. The class is super boring, I learned absolutely nothing and I can't wait to leave. When the bell rings I jump up and meet Stella in the hall.
" Hey this is Davis, and this is Brad and Collin " Stella says gesturing to three guys. The Davis guy looks like a jock, and he eyes me in a weird way.
" Hey Babe " he says to me stepping in my personal space.
" I'm not your Babe " I say stepping away.
" Oh really? Guys now. "

When he says that two guys grab my shoulders and push me up against the lockers and Davis walks to me and kisses me for what seems like forever. I try to wiggle away, but they are stronger then I am. Stella try's to pull them away but she can't. I bet from the wrong angle in would look like we are making out. I finally wiggle away and they run for some reason. Then Stella's eyes get huge and sad. I look in her direction and I see Locke with the saddest look in his face and his eyes bloodshot red. I try to run after him, but I'm mobbed by kids. I run to the bathroom that I find surprisingly easy and I cry in a stall. I didn't do anything wrong! But from the angle he was at, it didn't look good.
Hey Guys! Oooh some drama! Hope you all are having a great day! Well on to the next chappy 👉

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