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Jenna and Leo had returned to their living room. "That was . . . weird," Leo commented.

"Yeah," said Jenna. "It kind of was."

There was a pause. "Well!" Leo said. "Back to our show." He plopped onto the couch and motioned for Jenna to join him. She hesitated.

"Chaps may be in trouble," she said. "I don't know if he knows about this purple guy. Should I warn him? What if . . . ?" Her eyes widened with a worrying thought. "Daniel." Hurriedly, she called up her brother. She breathed a sigh of relief when the phone picked up after the second ring.

"Hey, Jenna," Daniel said. "Enjoying your documentary?"

"Daniel," Jenna said, "have you been contacted by a dude in a space suit? Or a purple skeleton?"

A pause.

"What is tonight's documentary about?"

"This isn't about the documentary. It's about Chaps. I think." She explained what had just happened to her and Leo. "I think Chaps may be in danger."

"Should I call him, or . . . ?"

"I think we should? I'd be willing to help him out, too, if he needs it. It's been a long time since I've gotten to use a blowtorch."

"I'm pretty sure I've still got that number he gave me a while back. I'll give it a call."

"Thanks, Dan. Update me."

"Of course."

Daniel hung up. Jenna returned to Leo. "Where were we?"

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