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Sandy rubbed her shoulder. "Well, at least they're . . . good skellies? They all could've been, like, evil warlord skellies."

Chapalina clapped her skeletal hands together. "Alright! Now we need to find Chaps, and then hopefully we can find Leo."

Locket raised an eyebrow. "Leo? The pilot Leo? The one that got stuck in the yarn dimension?"

"Well, yes! That Leo. He's vital for our success story. He is the one that must make a sacrifice for the greater good."

Locket paced around. "So, we find Chaps, then we find Leo . . . and we have to convince Leo to sacrifice himself?"

"Well, there is another way," said Chapalina, "but that one involves a lot of scuffles, and tussles. A lot of people will get harmed, and-or killed! It'd probably just be better for Leo to sacrifice himself."

"Well, not if we plan things, Chapalina," Chaos spoke, having escaped from the sack when no one was looking.

Chapalina turned around and stared at Chaos. "Chaos! It's been a millennium since we last spoke face-to-face. You were too busy plotting revenge on Chaps while watching soap operas. You didn't even think of visiting me!"

Piano entered the room, holding a taco and taking a bite out of it. "Mmm, sorry I vanished. I had a serious case of the munchies. This is my third taco. Keeping the stronghold at peace is not an easy task for a quintillion-year-old geezer like me."

"It is not my fault soap operas are so dramatic!" Chaos exclaimed.

Chapalina sighed. "Chaos, you have no idea what's dramatic! You think two beavers on the edge of a river is dramatic!"

"Well, I actually don't think that's dramatic! I think that's boring!"

Both Chapalina and Chaos had an intense argument battle. Locket watched in pure confusion, and Sandy was excited to see who would win.

"Enough!" Piano yelled. Both Chapalina and Chaos instantly went quiet, turning to face Piano.

"Chapalina," said the old man, "Lead Sandy and Locket to the Hotbacopair. Chaos, you . . . stay here, and help me bake croissants."

Chaos laughed evilly. "Joke's on you! I actually enjoy baking croissants, and cookies!" Chaos and Piano both were sucked into the floor, leaving only Sandy, Locket, and Chapalina in the room.

"Okay!" Chapalina exclaimed. "Locket, you have the keys. Let's go ride a Hotbacopair." All three of them were suddenly teleported inside the cockpit of a large vehicle. Locket sat down in the pilot's seat. Sandy and Chapalina both took seats behind him. He inserted the keys, turned the engines on, and prepared for takeoff.

"Alright," he said, "Let's find ourselves a Chaps."

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