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Sandy, Locket, and Chapalina ran from a snowman. Locket grabbed a blowtorch taped to a watermelon seed packet and sprayed down the snowman with fire.

Sandy clapped her hands, watching her brother ignite the snowman. A large, golden compass fell out of the snowman as it melted, and Chapalina quickly picked it up. "Ahah!" she exclaimed. "We've finally found the golden compass of snowman-lands."

Locket was covered in carrots, having been stabbed and slashed by several snowmen. "Great, great. Remind me what that does again, Chapalina?" he asked.

Chapalina placed the compass on top of her head. "Simple! Every week, on Friday, at exactly 1:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, it points us in the direction of artifacts that take us to other worlds. Worlds that can't be accessed by dimensional traveling devices. We can touch an artifact, and poof! We'll unlock travel to a new world."

Locket looked at Sandy, and Sandy looked at Locket. "So, what you're saying is that we can travel to locked-off worlds?" asked Sandy. "Non-accessible through, uh, normal means?" Chapalina nodded. The group made their way outside of the snowman temple, and Locket removed several carrots from his body.

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