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July 17th, 2009

She was perfect. Her hair was an uneven mess, her clothes looked like she had raided her father's closet,and her entire face lit up whenever she laughed. 

Alex desperately wanted to go and talk to her, but he had had too much to drink and there was a dark red stain on the middle of his shirt from the lunch he had earlier that day. She radiated happiness and he radiated... drunkenness.

Whenever the two made eye contact though, Alex immediately looked the other way and mussed up his hair. The two actions made him feel and look like a douche bag, but he had done them anyways and there was no going back now. 

Alex had tried to find something to look at, but the only thing in front of him had been a large door he soon discovered led to the bathroom. Not his best excuse, but it was one nonetheless. After several minutes of continuing to act fascinated by the bathroom, he turned in hopes the coast would be clear, but instead saw the girl now directly in front of him smiling.

"Hi." She said simply, her deeper voice sending a shiver down his spine. He wasn't sure why he was so fascinated with her, but he couldn't remove her from his mind no matter how hard he tried.

Alex decided on not showing it though as he cleared his throat and sat up straight to look down at her in front of him. When he tried to deepen his voice though all that came out was a cracked "Hello." He wanted to just walk away to end the conversation, but before he could he actually heard her laugh. 

It was a weird feeling to hear it, it sending a warm feeling to the pit of his stomach. Alex was so shocked that he wasn't even sure what to say, thankfully she did it for him. "Let's dance."

She grabbed his hand in hers and dragged him to the center of the large living room. A few other couples were dancing sloppily together, the alcohol that was in their system suddenly becoming even more obvious with every grinding move they made together.

The girl didn't follow along with any of the other dancers though and just began to jump around, flailing her arms playfully. Alex couldn't help but smile and follow along with the same moves. "I'm Tay, by the way." She said smiling as the two danced to Don't Trust Me that was blasting through on of the stereos. 

Alex honestly felt so incredible with Tay he almost forgot to introduce himself back to her. "Uhm...Alex." His voice said breathless from the extensive amount of movement the two had been doing during the song. 

At the end of song, Tay brought herself close to Alex's face and laughed. "Nice to meet you Uhm Alex." Tay fell to the floor in a heap of laughs and giggles until a new song came on and she grabbed Alex's hand and pulled herself up before he could ever offer. 

"Let's go outside, yeah?" Alex could only nod and follow her to a door hidden by a mess of chatting couples. When she opened the door, the two were hit with a blast of warm air and silence compared to the loud chatter and music of the previous room. The music was muted in the background, but Alex could still tell it was some kind of Katy Perry single that everybody had become obsessed with. 

"So what's your story, Uhm Alex." Tay sat down on one of the benches that was scattered through the balcony. Alex felt like it would be uncomfortable to sit down beside her after having only known her a few minutes, but when he realized the layout of his other seating options, he had no other choice.

Alex was kind of off put with Tay continuing to call him Uhm Alex based on how he had introduced himself earlier while nervous. He knew it was meant as a joke, but Alex didn't really find it all that funny somehow. It just reminded him of the horrible nicknames given to unpopular kids on the playground.

"It's just Alex. My friend dragged me here and I may have had too much too drink otherwise I would have left hours ago." Alex wasn't sure why he had even added that last part considering he hadn't even been here that long, but the exaggeration seemed needed and it only just helped to prove his point.

Tay continued to smile and nodded during his short "story" while he told it, letting him know she was actually interested in what he was saying and had been paying attention the entire time. "That's nice. I'm glad you drank too much." Tay laughed and stealthily reached for Alex's hand, putting hers on top of his.

He panicked for a moment as his hands were a sweaty and gross mess and he hadn't wanted it to be obvious how nervous he was. He wasn't even sure what was bringing on the nerves. It must have been awhile since Alex had actually talkin' to someone he was actually attracted to. Tay just laughed along again though, as if he had just said some joke despite the silence that was lingering between the two.

It was hard to tell if the laughing was at him or with him, but it was laughing nonetheless and when she leaned forward and carefully kissed his cheek, he didn't care what she was laughing at anymore because all he could think about was being happy that he hadn't left. When she wrote her number in black sharpie on his arm he knew that was sure to remain there even after a proper scrubbing, he knew he couldn't wait to call her. And when he laid back in his bed at night, he couldn't help but think of Tay and smile to himself.


This was a fucking pain in the ass to write. Just a look back to when the two were happy. More chapters like this and the previous to come soon.

As always, thanks for reading!

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