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Alex took a deep breath and looked at himself in the fogged up bathroom mirror. It was covered in little drops of water, but he just rubbed them away with hand so that he could faintly see his reflection. 

His eyes looked sunken into his face and he wasn't sure if it was because of him constantly forgetting to eat or the lack of sleep he always seemed to get. His face looked tired and even after a shower, his hair was still sticking up in all sorts of different directions without him having even touched it yet. He definitely had some work before he was ready to see Tay.

He decided it would probably be best to begin on the easiest thing to fix. His hair. Alex raided the drawers in the bathroom until he produced a small comb from one of them and began to brush out the knots that had gathered in his hair. Every time he tried to get part of it done, it only seemed like it managed to get worse somehow. It wasn't exactly the best feeling in the world either with how it felt as if he was ripping his hair out.

When he was actually finished though, most of his hair had already dried and it ended up making his hair look frizzy and even more unkempt than before. 

"Great." Alex mumbled to himself, shaking his head as he just stared at his reflection. He had no idea how he was going to do this when he could barely brush his own hair without somehow messing that up too. 

How was he going to manage this. Falling back, he sat down on the closed lid of the toilet and just put his head in his hands and shook his head. He shouldn't have agreed to meet her. He looked like a mess and he was feeling like one too. 

In the midst of the episode he was currently having, he almost missed the faint knocking on his door. He quickly slipped on a pair of pants and walked over to the door. "Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." Alex yelled as he opened the door to a smiling Jack who immediately invited himself in. 

"You look like a mess, Alex. Your house doesn't look too good either." Alex just rolled his eyes at his best friend's introduction, but he had just gotten used to his behaviour. It wasn't uncommon for him to just walk into a room and speak his mind about whatever it was that managed to catch his eye.

"Good morning to you too." Alex mumbled under his breath as he shut the front door, making sure he had locked it before walking back over to where Jack was, sitting on his couch and giving him a weird look. 

Alex instinctively put one hand on his stomach and one on his head in an attempt to cover them from Jack's disapproving glare, but if anything it only made Jack start laughing when he hadn't been before.

"Dude, what happened to your hair." Alex looked up, as if he thought he would actually be able to look at it, and put the hand on his stomach up to it. 

"What? I just tried to brush it." He pouted, looking at his best friend smiling smugly before rolling his eyes.

"I think you did too good of a job." 

Jack stood up and grabbed a hold of Alex's hand before leading him into the bathroom and back over to the shower. He pushed him forward a little bit so his head was under the shower head and turned on the water. Jack obviously hadn't thought of turning it far enough to be warm, so a sharp shiver went down Alex's back and legs as he was forced to stand under the water.

When Jack did finally pull him out of the cold stream of the water, he couldn't open his eyes because of the steady drops of water from the hair laying in his face. Even with his new found blindness, he was still tempted to try and reach down to find some sort of towel to wrap around himself to stop the shivering.

"You're an ass." Alex said, having to try and look in the general direction of where he assumed Jack was considering he wasn't going to try and open his eyes until it was successfully out of his face.

He heard Jack laugh before something begin to shake his hair. When he opened his eyes, he saw a white towel ruffling through his hair which at least meant it wasn't going to be in his face anymore at least. 

"Alright. That's a lot better." Jack said laughing as he threw the towel back onto the ground in the bathroom instead of the actual laundry hamper not even two feet from him. Typical. 

"So what are you getting so dressed up for anyways? You smell so nice." Alex knew exactly what that meant. Jack was too nice to say it, but he knew that he had smelled like an old alcoholic who was constantly drunk. He was just making it sound as if that was supposed to be a compliment somehow. 

"Because Tay called." Jack's eyes widened as he looked at Alex and he immediately knew what he was going to say and decided to stop him before he could. "She says that she wants to meet up and talk." He had to make sure he put the emphasis on every 'she' of the sentence because otherwise there was no way Jack would actually believe him.

It took Jack a second to say anything, but eventually he just sighed and shook his head. "Fine, Alex. Promise me you won't get too high expectations about this though because..."

"I know, Jack. I know what I'm getting myself into and I promise I'm not expecting anything from it." Both of the boys knew it was a lie, but Alex hoped if he said it out loud maybe it would magically become true, but it didn't seem that way to either of them.

"Okay, Alex. I trust you, but just remember everything that she's put you through." I nodded and walked out of my bathroom and into the living room area. 

"I'll even help you pick out an outfit." Jack smiled and laughed before running into the bedroom and shut the door so that Alex wouldn't be able to peek in and criticize whatever it was Jack had decided would look best on him. Alex loved Jack, but his fashion taste was shit and he wasn't sure he would be able to wear anything that he picked out.

He just had to sit down on the couch and stare at his phone in hopes Tay would call him back telling him she could meet with him now. He was ready to hear her actual voice again instead of just a recorded voice over the phone. 

Alex sat up when Jack came back out of the room, he nodded and took Alex's seat on the couch as he walked back into the room. He wasn't sure what to expect whenever he would actually put on the outfit but he would just have to try and deal with it for the moment because there was nothing else he could do but trust his best friend.

He quickly changed and walked over to look at himself in the mirror leaning in the corner. 

Alex had to give Jack props, the outfit was something he would never have picked out himself and it managed to make Alex look better off than he actually was. It was something he never would have expected and he was pleasantly surprised. 

"Tay's calling you!" Alex stopped looking at himself in the mirror and raced into the living room to grab his phone sitting on the coffee table. 

"Hello?" His voice took on a deeper tone for some reason and if anything it just made it even more obvious than usual that he was faking being confident while on the phone.

"It's Tay, meet at the City Bites by the park. Hurry." Before he could come up with anything else to say to her, the line went dead.

Alex turned to look at Jack, somehow nervous for this now when he hadn't been before. It had seemed like a dream before this and now it was finally real. 

Jack just smiled and stood up to pat his back "Knock her dead, kid." 

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