Race of the century

354 14 3

Ep 3: Get Some

Butcher and Frenchie ran back into the warehouse, surprised at the sight.

"God dammit, Jack, solid work there!" Butcher said happily. "Didn't even get anything on your clothes!"

"Hmm." Jack grunted, opening the freezer door. "What are we going to do with it?"

"We'll take care of it, don't worry." Frenchie winked.

"I need to go home for a minute." Jack suddenly said.

"Jack, you just ass bombed America's sweetheart. There's no going home after this." Butcher reminded him.

"I just need to get some things." Jack told him.

"Fine, Frenchie will go with you."

"No." Jack said in a low voice.

"Either he goes, or I break your legs." Billy threatened.

"I'd like to see you try."Jack threatened back. Jack's eyes were glowing red once again. The two men glared at each other, before Frenchie stepped in.

"Hey Butcher, you need my help to clean up this mess anyway." Frenchie told him. "You need my creativity to get rid of it."

Butcher sharply inhaled, and slowly let the air out of his nose.

"Fine." Butcher muttered. "Just be back soon Son."

Jack didn't respond, and just walked out of the warehouse. And Hughie follows him.

"Translucent's skin won't burn." Frenchie pointed out. "And how are we going to hide this where Homelander won't find him?"

"We won't." Butcher admitted. "But that doesn't mean we can't slow the cunt down."

Once Butcher and Frenchie had all of Translucent's body parts in trash bags, they put them in a heavy metal box, and Frenchie carried it away. When he was finally alone, Butcher pulled out to grenades, admiring them for a moment. They had originally been part of a special tipped bullet, from the last city he was in, and they were much more advanced than thermite grenades...

Butcher shook his head again. That was a long time ago. There's no way he could go back. And now, he had a new purpose.

Billy threw the grenades in, and slammed the door, just as they exploded and set everything on fire. Butcher smirked at his job well done, and walked out of the warehouse, joining Frenchie in the black van.

"Where to?" Frenchie asked.

"Hudson river." Butcher grinned smugly.

Starlight walked into Stillwell's office, this time not of her own free will.

"You wanted to see me, Miss Stillwell?"

"Yes, sit down." Madelyn smiled, having taken a seat on the couch with her assistant Ashley, as well as two of their best writers, and costume designer with glasses.

"So, we saw what you did in the streets, and we loved it."

"What do you mean?" Starlight asked, confused.

"How you stopped those rapists?" One of the writers, a bald African American named Seth, spoke up. "There was a video of it on Youtube!"

"Someone took a video?"

"Yeah, and your points have gone way up!" Ashley said excitedly. "So, we've decided to come up with a story for you."

"Just thing: a little girl from Iowa is a child prodigy, comes to the Big Apple, but finds it's full of worms." Seth told her. "But does she get knocked down? No, she gets back up. She adapts, transforms! She decides to embrace her femininity, showing she's comfortable in her skin!"

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