Bye-Bye Homelander and Hello Chaos

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Ep 4: The Female of the Species

Butcher looked up at his wife, admiring the beauty of seeing her naked. They were both in bed, and we're already getting busy, even though it was the middle of the day.

"God, you're beautiful."

"That's why you married me, right?" Becca grinned, as they continued fucking. "I mean, aside from finding me in that alley, being harassed-"

"You found me love." Butcher told her. "You found me."

Butcher suddenly woke up, finding himself naked and in bed, but without Becca by his side. He looked around at the empty room, seeing a dog cage with no dog, and a television set in the opposite corner. Butcher sighed, got up, and went over to his wardrobe. As he parted the clothes, he stared at a keypad at the back wall, its numbers lit up.

Butcher was tempted to press the numbers, but then shook his head. No. He worked so hard to leave it all behind when he married Becca. He couldn't just do it again.

Billy proceeded to get dressed, eat a hot pocket, and walk out of his house, going into his car. The rest of the Boys should be woken up by now, but he needed somewhere to go. Luckily, Jack was outside waiting for him. Last night the news were saying that the a team of kid superheroes called super duper and a solo hero called Tek-Knight have been murder by something and that the only evidence that the police found was a graffiti words saying "Mr. J was here bitches!"

"You ready?" Jack asked.

"And you're sure this guy can help out with our little problem?" Butcher asked.

"As long as he is in a good mood to talk then yeah." Jack shrugged, and the two drove off.

Music: "Lucifer Main Titles"

Daniel Fenix walked through the bullpen of the CIA and entered his office, to find two men dressed in black waiting for him. One of them was in a hoodie, with a buzzcut, and the other had a beard and trenchcoat on. Unfortunately, he knew the man in the hoodie quite well.

"Dammit Son, I thought we were done." Fenix snarled, pointing to his face to show his clouded eye. "After what you did last time and that souvenir you gave me for a joke, I should've had you dishonorably discharged or arrest you." Fenix is from Jack's universe and knows him. Fenix is part of Shadow's team. Shadow is Jack's cousin and Fenix is the strategist and a good one at that.

"Good seeing you too, Fenix." Jack grunted. "But we need your help."

"Who's your friend?" Rawlins asked.

"Billy Butcher." Butcher smiled, taking a mock bow.

"Heard of you." Fenix muttered. "You're the reason Mallory retired."

"Let's not play the blame game, mate." Butcher shrugged. "We finally have something that will keep supes out of the military."

"And why would we do that?" Fenix asked. "Personally, I can't wait until they go to hell or die of old age."

"You say that now, but what happens when they actually wear the camo?" Butcher asked. "We all saw what happened when mutants were used in Vietnam. It was a shitshow that gave Transigen the green light to modify the food we eat. As a result, no mutant has been born in over forty years."

"What's your point, Mister Butcher?" Fenix asked impatiently.

"My point is we'll have another shitshow on our hands." Butcher told him. "What's stopping Sergeant Homelander from massacring a million chinese people? He'd wipe out the entire planet before he steps foot in the Hague!"

"So what's your solution?"

"Compound V." Jack told him, handing photos of A-Train and Popclaw shooting up with the drug. "It's a super steroid that A-Train used to win the race against Shockwave. His girlfriend also uses it."

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