⤭ kindly repayments

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harald and halfdan will not let your loyalty go unrewarded. rated 18+ for smut (M/F/M threesome)

SWEAT AND BLOOD bead down your forehead. The sword in your hand has never felt heavier than it does now at the end of battle —corpses strewn around your feet and shield long lost in the fight. Calls of the retreat echo in the damp evening air, mingled with the wails of the dying and the soft squelches as what remains of King Svein's men meet the merciful point of swords and spears. Heaving a deep sigh, you look around the field of battle, searching to see if your friends still stand and if King Harald Finehair and his brother, Halfdan the Black, are among them.

Parsing the meadow, you notice Harald at the edge of the forest holding a severed head wearing a bloody crown high for all to see. Another kingdom felled —one day closer to being able to call himself King of all Norway. You raise your sword, joining the cries of victory —it is another notch to put in your sword belt. Since the bitter failure to raid Paris with Ragnar Lothbrok nigh two years ago, you, Harald, Halfdan have not known defeat. Trudging through the muck, you stop by a man wearing Svein's colors still writhing on the ground, clutching at his eviscerated entrails. It's an act of mercy when your press the tip of your sword into his neck —there's a harsh gurgling sound, and then the man falls silent and still.

Halfdan grins up at you as you near him, flicking his dirty blond hair from his face as he wipes the blood from his axe on the grass-green tunic of one of Svein's men. Laughing, he leans his forehead against yours, hand resting on the back of your neck to hold you close. Stepping back, you sheath your sword and wrap an arm around Halfdan's waist and he around your shoulders —the two of you stepping over corpses and shields, heading toward Harald.

My mother told me, they sing, walking back to the camp, you fall into stride between them, someday I would buy. Hearing the song carves a flash of white and then a smile from your dirtied face as you wrap an arm around each of their waists. Harald grins, returning the gesture, and Halfdan drapes his arm across your shoulders again. Galley with good oars, sail to distant shores.

Returned to the camp, Harald hands you a cup of mead and raises his in a toast. "I could not have done this without you, brother" —he tips his cup toward Halfdan, who wears a rare unrestrained smile that crinkles the corner of his eyes at the praise— "or our sweet little bird." You should be used to hearing their flattery by now, but Harald's words still bring a rush of warmth to your cheeks. The three of you tap your cups together, taking long sups of the honey-sweet mead. Then Harald turns to his warriors —blood-soaked and beautiful. Mead sloshes from his cup when he lifts it high in the air, and hundreds echo their king. "Skål!" He shouts.

The revelries will last until the morning light breaks upon the land, but with a belly full of mead and roast rabbit and deer and tired from the day's battle, you slip out of Halfdan's hold with a tired smile and quick kiss, intent on retreating to your tent for the night. "Where are you going?" Harald asks, shackling your wrist as you pass by him. Another moment and he has you across his lap, dark whiskers tickling your cheek as he leans toward you. "Too early," he laments.

You smile for him, fingers combing through his dark beard —the first hint of silver beginning to show through in the wiry hair. He cannot stand it any longer, and you gasp when he lurches forward, stealing a kiss from you. It's almost enough to make you melt into his arms. He pulls away, cool blue eyes warmed by the campfires and starlight. "I am tired from helping you topple another kingdom, Harald," you tell him, stern. His eyes light up, a smile twisting his lips. Indeed, you had helped him topple a kingdom, one of many, and he will forever be grateful for your loyalty. Harald loosens his arms from around your waist, letting you rise, but not without another, sweeter, kiss pressed to your temple.

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