⤭ riverside

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harald finehair may be a fool, but at least he has his brother, and at least he has you. rated 18+ for smut.

"YOUR BROTHER IS a fool," you remark, watching Harald Finehair slip away with the princess who once promised to be his queen—the woman whose husband had only just been murdered in the early hours of the morn. Halfdan the Black watches his brother too, lips twitching as he lifts his cup of ale, taking a short quaff of the weak brew. He'll be glad to leave England—an army of this size meant dwindling supplies, game, and ever-weakening ale and mead.

He picks off another hunk of meat from a roast pheasant. "Is that meant to be news?" Halfdan asks in turn, smiling as he flicks his stringy blond hair aside and out of his eyes—his dark gaze flitting back to you. Harald's always been a fool when it comes to women and love, and Halfdan doubts time and age will ever change that.

"Halfdan," you chide. Harald is a fool—a fool for thinking Ellisif would wait for him, a fool for killing Vik so crassly in the heart of the camp. You both know he is, but watching Princess Ellisif slip away with her husband's killer makes you uneasy. Grief and the thought of vengeance would not have left her mind yet. And such things can drive people to act in unpredictable ways. "You don't think it's odd she wishes to seek a private audience with him only a few hours after he killed her husband?"

Halfdan raises his brow—the blue-black ink of the tattoo on his temple and forehead twitches and wrinkles. At the moment, he's more content with filling his belly and entertaining your company than fretting over his brother, yet you won't let the subject rest so easily, and deep down, Halfdan knows you are right, as is the feeling of dread in his liver. "Had it been me, the thought of retribution would not yet be gone, nor the fog of dolor."

You make a convincing case, and with a sighing frown, Halfdan pushes away from the table and you, heading toward Harald's tent—hand resting on the hilt of his sword, knowing already he will have to serve as his brother's protector once more. A moment later, Halfdan emerges from his brother's pavilion. The sword in his hand is coated with blood, bright and red. And it would seem, after all, he knew women far better than his brother—or at least how to listen to you.

He frees a cloth from his belt and slides it down the blade, cleaning it with a single long swipe as he looks at you, watching and waiting. Halfdan doesn't have to say anything as he approaches for you to know, but regardless, your lips quirk upward. "Told you," you declare, and he makes a low sound of agreement from the back of his throat, taking the cup of ale you offer. You knew Ellisif would not have so easily nor quickly forgiven Harald for his transgression, especially after not upholding her promise to wait for marriage.

Harald's curses and fit of rage ring out in the brisk air. You know there's little that can soothe his heart and pride, but if anyone in the Ragnarsson encampment can make an earnest attempt, it is you—Halfdan knows this too. "I'll see to him," you breathe, taking one last drink of ale. Halfdan grips your arm before you can go to his brother and leans close, offering a soft, quick kiss over too soon.

THE RIVER FLOWS slowly, given its breadth near the encampment of the Sons of Ragnar—a hundred longships are pushed up against the banks and moored in the water. Together, you and Harald walk along the water's edge, heading north, where fewer ships and wandering eyes and ears are. The blood on his hands and chest is nigh dry, and it makes his red woolen tunic stick to him and stiffens his silver-tinged beard.

Harald Finehair looks at you but cannot dispel what you must think of him, of these circumstances—your expression is only a cool mix of solicitude and what he thinks is annoyance. Yet again, he finds himself failing to understand the mind and heart of a woman—one he has known since childhood, no less. "My brother is lucky," Harald admits, feeling a spike of jealousy stab at him as he thinks about you and Halfdan, "to have only ever loved you." But had he ever truly loved Ellisif beyond his desire for her beauty? Even he is not sure of the answer.

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