⤭ pleasures of politicking

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sometimes, you're the only one king ecbert desires to see. can be read as a sequel to the best laid plans. rated 18+ for smut.

THE PROBLEM OF the Northern invaders weighs heavily on his mind —and the crown upon his brow is a heavier weight still. Ecbert may only be the King of Wessex, but he shoulders the weight of all England. None of the other petty kings have his strength and will, not even Ælla of Northumbria, for all his pride and bloodlust.

Lesser lords, nobles, and smallfolk alike fill the great hall of Wincestre —all come to voice their concerns and woes. Most are piddling requests to appeal to and stroke Ecbert's ego. Others have come with calls for justice against supposedly broken oaths, unfaithful spouses, and stolen sheep. It's dull and tiresome and wears on the king's patience. He loves his subjects, as all good kings should, but one can only endure so much yapping over insignificant squabbles in the face of the pagans who have come to murder, rape, and plunder riches from Wessex and the entire English countryside.

Ecbert lifts one of his hands from the throne's armrest and shakes his head, cutting off Ealdorman Wulfstan's declared grievance against his neighbor and known political rival, Leofric. "I will hear no more today," he announces —the morning court has worn on his nerves enough as it is.

Whispers of indignation rustle through the hall, even amongst the nobility and gathered clergymen. It is not like the king to end court so soon and after hearing so few of those who have traveled far to reach Wincestre. "All of you" —Ecbert looks over those gathered, anger stirring in his gut— "leave."

The doors of the great hall open wide, letting people shuffle out and to the courtyard. Æthelwulf stays, lingering after most have cleared —he does not understand the cause for his father's short temper this morning. He steps to the dais, and Ecbert's gaze falls upon his son —his only son. "This includes you, Æthelwulf." There are protests on his son's tongue and lips, but Æthelwulf quells the extempore thoughts and bows low before leaving too.

You step from the shadows near one of the great stone pillars —gaze lowered in piety. "What of me, my king?"

King Ecbert almost laughs —it's an absurd question for the one he considers his closest confidant to ask. No, right now, you are the only person he wishes to speak with. The only one who truly understands the inner workings of his mind and heart. "Never you, my dear," he answers, extending his hand toward you. "Come," he beckons, motioning to the space beside him on Wessex's throne. "Sit with me."

You go to him and take the space at his side. Ecbert swore never to marry another after the death of his wife, but there are times when he wonders if such an oath is worth breaking or if you should both carry on as you do now —as king and fidus Achates. If nothing else, marriage would finally make the bishop and priests' woeful complaints of his sinful ways out of wedlock null. But even without ceremony, you are the Queen of Wessex in all but name —everyone knows it, and nobody with half a mind would dare say otherwise.

He draws you into his side, arm draped over your shoulders as you both look ahead at the empty hall. "Did you hear?" Ecbert inquires —his hand slipping from your bicep to the nape of your neck. "Ragnar Lothbrok and his band of pagans have left our shores." The news reached him in the early hours of the morn, and he had not wished to wake you so early for such affairs. Where once there were ten longships anchored on the river, now there are only two and a handful of lingering tents. The scouts watched from the forest for hours, but Ragnar Lothbrok was gone with his dark raven banners and shields.

"So suddenly?" You were there when Ecbert made his offer to Ragnar Lothbrok, not but five days past —an exchange of land for the help of the Northmen in strengthening Wessex. It seems a strange thing that such a fearsome and capable man as Ragnar would tuck tail and run after coming to treat with King Ecbert. You cannot imagine what drove him and his kin back across the sea with so little to show for their travels.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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