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The Centennial Highway disappearances — a series of mysterious events where cars would show up without their drivers along the same five mile stretch of road. The victims were all men around a similar age; ten disappearances over the past twenty years, but that number had officially risen to eleven and Jamie had a feeling a twelfth was on the way.

"And you didn't find any evidence that could explain what happened. No blood, no signs of struggle—" Jamie trailed off as she looked up at Deputy Jaffe, the lead deputy on the case. The man just lightly shook his head and Jamie frowned and looked towards the car that had been abandoned on the closed off bridge on Centennial Highway in what she assumed had to be late last night.

"Our people have inspected every inch of that car. Nothing," Deputy Jaffe told her, a hint of sadness in his eyes which he quickly hid from the girl in favor of adjusting his hat and glancing over the side of the bridge where a few of his men were currently poking around the river in wetsuits. "You guys find anything?"

"No! Nothing!"

Jamie's face was emotionless as she walked closer to the car, her eyes scanning the vehicle for anything that the officers would usually skip over since they weren't in the same line of work as herself. She didn't get to inspect much before another deputy by the name of Hein was grabbing her attention from where he was near the driver's seat. "No sign of struggle, no footprints, no fingerprints. Spotless. It's almost too clean," Deputy Hein told her.

"Same as previous cases, correct?" Jamie asked earning a nod from both deputies. She let out a small sigh and stood back up, now allowing her eyes to scan over the outside of the car and the tires.

"So, this kid Troy," Deputy Jeffe began. "He's dating your daughter, isn't he?" Jamie looked up at that, her eyes flickering over to Deputy Hein who gave a short nod in response.


"How's Amy doing?"

"She's putting up missing posters downtown," Deputy Hein explained and that instantly piqued the girl's interest. If anyone knew more about what could've happened to Troy it would be Amy.

"You fellas had another one like this just last month, didn't you?"

The new voice was enough to snap Jamie out of her thoughts and lift her gaze to the newcomer, her eyes narrowing slightly at the sight of the two men walking her way — a sandy blonde haired guy with a sense of cockiness surrounding him and a tall brunette who looked a tad uncomfortable being there as if he hadn't really wanted to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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