Chapter 1: My girls

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Emily's POV

I had to admit to myself.. I still do miss Ali a lot.. She was my first love. Even though she didn't love me back the way that I loved her, she was still my first love. The girl that I thought about while going to sleep and the girl i first thought of when I woke up. My first kiss that meant something to me, even though it meant nothing to her, 'Just practice for the real thing' she would call it. She knew everything about me. I was unable to hide anything from her. However I have had move on, she will always hold a big place in my heart. She has been missing for over 2 years now, everyday gets easier than the day before. I have learnt to cope, I had no choice.

I hear a my phone buzz.. And see I have a text from Hanna.
Meet us at the brew in half an hour?- Hanna xx

I smile, as I get up from my kitchen table and put away my breakfast pots. The one good thing that has happened since Alison's disappearance is the fact me and the girls have gotten closer. We were close before when Alison was here, but she was the reason we were close. Now we are close because we all love spending time with one another and love being there for each other. We are like a sisterhood and are closer than ever. I don't think I could of got through the past two and a half years without them holding me up the whole time. We have been through so much together and our bond is unbreakable.

I throw on some skinny jeans, a old top and my leather jacket and make my way to the brew. Luckily i had a day off working today so I could spend some quality time with my girls.

''Hey!'' I say to Spencer, Aria and Hanna who are all sitting around our usual table.

''Hi Em!'' All three off them say to me in sync giving me a warm smile.

''I got you your usual order.. Tall skinny cappuccino'' Spencer said handing Em the coffee.

''Thanks!'' I say gratefully

These girls are just the best I think to myself. I don't need nobody else, I got my girls to keep me going.

''I saved you a space next to me Em'' Hanna winked at me in a joke way.

''Well where else would I wanna sit'' I kid returning the banter back to my blonde bestie Hanna.

''I'm going to use the little girls room'' Hanna says openly.

''Do you want me to hold your hand'' I laugh saying to Hanna, all the other girls laugh.

'' No I think I can manage this once babe..'' Hanna teases

As she stood up I slap her arse. She turns around a gives me a sly look.

''You'll be paying for that later'' hanna jokes.

''I'm counting on it'' I laugh

The other girls just sit there laughing at us, me and Hanna always joke and act like we're a couple with our banter. As she knows I'm a lesbian, all the girls know I came out about a year ago. Hanna likes to play along and have a laugh with me about it. I would say I'm closer to Hanna than the other girls, she is just so crazy, she keeps me feeling alive. I love spending time with her.
All four of us sit at the brew for what seems like minutes, talking about everything, having a catch up. Until we see it getting dark outside.

''Oh my, look it's already dark'' Aria points out.

''Wow times gone fast'' Spencer says.

''Time flys when your having fun'' I giggle.

''I best be off I got to go and make Mikes dinner.'' Aria moans

''Same I best be off, gotta study for my chem test'' Spencer says while putting on her denim jacket.

'' Ohhh I was having fun guys you lot are boring, I don't wanna go home yet'' Hanna says like a little child.

''Awww poor little Hanna'' I tease.

She slaps me on the arm.

''Shut your face, you should be thankful I appreciate your company'' Hanna babbled

I laugh at Hanna, she is so funny without even realising.

''Tell you what considering you don't want to part from me, and I don't blame you to be honest.. Why don't you come stay mine?'' I suggest looking at Hannah.

''Hmmmmmmmmm sure'' Hanna quickly responds looking very pleased with herself.

We say our goodbyes to the other half of the girls and head out to my car, Hanna skipping away like a little kid.
I just laugh to myself.

Hannily/Emison battleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora