Chapter 27: judgment day

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Emily's POV:

Me and Aria have just pulled up outside the brew, I need to go talk to Hanna. I know this is all messed up between us, and I don't want to hurt her. But the truth is I'm not sure what I truly want, so I'm not going to think about myself, I'm just going to concentrate on making Hanna happy for the time being, and in the process it might help my heart heal. I feel like it's the right thing to do.

"You ready to go inside?" Aria asked as I stared out the window, contemplating if I'm about to make the biggest mistake of my life or the best decision yet.

"... No, but let's go." I mumble nervously.

I unbuckle my seat belt out open the car door. Butterflies start to flutter in my stomach and I feel nauseous, which I suppose is a good sign, it means that I'm nervous about coming clean to Hanna.

"Follow your heart." Aria says before giving me a hug and making her way into the brew.

I follow behind. As I walk in I see Han quickly look up at me. This makes my heart start to pound. I can see that she was been crying which makes me feel guilty that I caused her tears, makes me feel like I want to make everything right. No turning back now.

"Em!" Han shouts as I walk up to her.

"Hey!" I say nervously as I stand next to the seat that she's sitting in.

"Are you ok?" She asks me.

"Yeah, look I'm sorry for walking out on you after everything we both said. I just think it was all just too much for me." I confess.

Hanna gives me a half hearted smile before saying "Its ok Em, I understand, it was a lot of pressure. I'm just very confused."

"Let's go back to yours and talk it through? Give me a chance to explain." I suggested with hope in my voice. If she shuts me out now, I don't know what I'd do. That will be Ali and Hanna that I've lost.. Because of 'A'.

"Ok, whatever you want." Hanna smiled sweetly making the butterflies in my stomach fluttering again.

"I hope you work it out guys, talk later." Spencer spoke.

"Yeah remember what I said Em." Aria reassured me and gave me a quick hug.

I took Hanna's hand and rushed out the brew. We didn't talk on the way to Han's. Just pure silence, deafening silence. This made me even more nervous, I hadn't even completely made my mind up on what to say to her, I couldn't tell her the truth, but just like I told Aria, I'll be truthful about my feelings for her.

''Would you like a drink?'' Hanna said to break the silence while we were sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"No thanks, I'm fine." I replied with a fake smile.

"Ok, so what's the crack." Hanna abruptantly comes out with, which makes me chuckle inside, I love how straight to the point she always is.

"Errr..." I was lost for words, I didn't know how to explain myself.

"Ok so, we both obviously got a text from A in the brew. Mine said to come clean about my feelings for you? So I assumed yours said the same thing? Or am I wrong?" Hanna said looking me in the eyes.

So that's what Hanna's text was, that makes sense now, she wasn't forced to say she wanted to be with me like I was forced to say that I loved her and wanted to be with her. What she said, she actually felt. This has made me feel even more guilty now about walking out on her. I can't come clean and say that I was forced to say what I said. She would feel betrayed and embarrassed, but I also don't want to lie to her.

"Erm.. Yeah I got the same text from A" I lied giving her a false smile. She grinned.

"Ok, so why did you walk out after we admitted we wanted to be together?" Hanna questioned, I could see the pain in her eyes.

I really didn't know what to say, I feel like I'm in too deep with all of these lies, I hate lying. Why can't A just leave us alone, he messed with me and Ali and now he's messing things up between me and Hanna.

"I don't know, it just honestly felt too much, getting caught out by A, and then being forced to tell my feelings about you in front of Aria and Spencer." I spoke softly.

Hanna took a deep breath.

"I know. How do you think I felt. They didn't even know I had a gay side to me." Hanna says quietly.

I know this must be a big thing for Hanna. It must of took her a lot to be honest, she had basically came out to her best friends, which I know is hard to do.. And I should of been there to support her like she was for me, but instead I ran away.

"Im sorry Han. I know it must of been a big thing for you to do, coming clean about us. And I'm sorry I ran away I was being a coward when you were being strong for the both of us. I promise I won't do anything like that again." I admit and mean it.

Hanna gives me a smile and gets closer to me.

"Come here." she grins and pulls me into a hug. Butterflies re appear in my stomach which gives me a good feeling.

When we break the hug I stare into her beautiful mesmerising eyes and then attach my lips onto hers. The butterflies in my stomach flutter around. It feels right to kiss Hanna, and I know now that I have made the right decision to be with her and that i've got to forget about the past and look to the future. I have a gorgeous, funny girl and that's all that matters.

"I love you." Hanna whispers when I break the kiss.

I can't help but smile.

"I love you too." I whisper back and rest my forehead on top of hers.


I'm sorry for the late update, I was on holiday in Egypt. Hope you liked the update, I have a lot of new ideas coming up. Thank you for reading:)

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