Chapter 19: Choice.

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Emily's POV

It had been a week since Hanna had woke out of the coma. I had visited her everyday, however every time I was there Caleb was too. He hadn't left her side since he got back from his moms. I had to admit I was a bit jealous because I wanted to be the one by her side. Showing her how much she means to me, showing her that I needed her and that I care for her. I hadn't even got a minute to myself with her, to talk to Hanna privately, that's how protective Caleb was over her. But I don't blame him, he is her boyfriend and the guy who did this to her was still out there, he didn't know it was A as Hanna hasn't told him yet about A yet.

Tomorrow Hanna was getting discharged from the hospital. Which I was very excited about, finally we would get some time alone, I had missed Hanna's company, he jokes, her banter. When she's with Caleb she's not her useful humours self, she's more serious which I don't like because your supposed to be yourself around the people you love, so I get the feeling things are not right between Hanna and Caleb.. And I don't know why but that makes me nervous.

Hanna's POV

Caleb had not left my side since the first day I woke up from the Coma, which don't get me wrong was touching, it's made me realise how much he does love me and I can see how protective he is over me which makes me feel safe. But I did miss Emily. I wish she could stay with me at times, without Caleb here too because I can't be myself in front of Emily with Caleb here incase he sees that he has feelings for Emily, he can see right through me. I can't stop thinking about the kiss me and Emily shared before she left for Texas and before I was put in hospital, it gives me butterflies every time I think about it and when I see Emily my heart beats really fast and I get sweaty palms. Caleb doesn't have this effect on me, he never really has, and that scares me.

"Here you go beautiful." Caleb sings walking into my room with a drink of water for me.

I sit up and take the water from him.

"Thanks." I weakly smile.

I did have to admit as much as I know he means well, I feel suffocated, him always being here with me, being my personal slave.

"So your out of this place tomorrow." Caleb said excitedly.

"I guess so." I mumble.

I was very excited to get out of her, I had been here for about 4/5 weeks now even though for three of them I was out of it, it still felt a long time. Plus I was excited to go spend some quality time with Emily. Even though it's going to be hard because of these powerful feelings I have developed for her, I don't even know if she feels the same. Still at least I get to see her more as she's living in my house.

"About that, I was thinking maybe you should come stay with me at mine, I live alone in an apartment so there's no stairs and I can protect you, there is no men in your house so I think you will be safer with me.. And you don't want to go back to where it all happened do you? I've spoke to your mom and she said she doesn't mind because she knows that you will be safe will me and she has Emily to keep her company." Caleb suggested looking me in the eye.

I switched off half way through to what he was saying, the one bit I heard clearly thought was when he said 'Emily' that made my stomach do a summersault. I can't believe he wants me to go stay at his, I didn't bother listening to the reasoning because I knew I didn't want to stay with him, I had spent too much time with him over the past week, sadly I was getting sick of the sight of him. I needed a break. It upset me though because I knew that he only meant well by all of this.

Just as I was about to reply, somebody walked in my room. When I seen who it was my heart began to beat so fast I was afraid Caleb could hear it. As soon as I saw her face a massive grin grew on my face. She was so beautiful it hurt.

"Hey, how are you today?" Emily smiled.

"Good.. Because I'm coming home tomorrow!" I exclaimed.

"I know! Me and your mom are going to make you your favourite meal for dinner, and I've already made your bed the way you like it." Emily beamed.

"Wow.. Thanks" I said staring at Emily in admiration.

"But Hanna.. Remember what I just suggested." Caleb said interrupting my happy moment.

"What?" Emily asked curiously.

"I asked her to move in with me because I can protect her and cater to her every need, and I live in an apartment so there's no stairs." Caleb said.

I looked over to Emily and she looked abit upset, I could see it in her eyes.

"That's a nice thought Caleb and if you feel like you would be more comfortable there Hanna you should go.. But if you want to come home I can assure you that I will cater for your every need, and me and your mom are both capable of keeping you safe, women can do that just as much as men." Emily said with a sense of desperation in her voice.

That had made my mind up, I could tell Emily wanted me to stay with her. And the feeling of her wanting me with her made me feel alive, it gave me hope, it gave me butterflies.

I looked over at Caleb and he didn't look very happy. I then looked over to Emily she was looking at me with hope in her eyes.

"Sorry babe.. But I want to go home, have my own bed. And I want to spend time with my mom. I miss her." I lied looking at Caleb. Don't get me wrong I did miss my mom, but the real reason I desperately wanted to go home was to spend time with Em.

Caleb looked so sad he looked like he was about to cry.

"And like Emily said, they can keep me safe just like you can, you have done a fantastic job this past week, but I need to be home now, you can visit me whenever you want though." I said apologetically.

"Ok babe.. I understand." He said giving me a weak smile.

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