Amajiki's Crush

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❂❝I can see the way you look at me from my peripheral❞❂

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❝I can see the way you look at me from my peripheral❞

"W-why are you me?" Amajiki mumbled sitting on the stool, legs crossed like some kind of pretty flower.

"You're really pretty,"

He flinched 'P-pretty!? She called me pretty' he glanced at her, seeing her straight face and brown eyes that her lashes cascaded over.

"Amajiki," She called, making him look up, "Do you mind coming in tomorrow," She walked over to Amajiki, "You don't have to…"

"No," Amajiki stood up, "I want to," Lakira smiled, making his eyes arch due to his slowly lifting cheeks.

"Thanks for this Amajiki," she looked at her drawing, "Do you want my drawing of you?" He lifted his hands,

"Really?" He blushed standing up, "i-i don't wanna take something you worked so hard on…" He looked at the drawing of him then back at Lakira feeling his heart beating through his chest.

"Oh… well take it as a gift!" Lakira blushed, handing him the artwork.

Amajiki nodded waving her bye,

"Bye-bye Amajiki. Walk home safe, alright."

"R-right" He glowed feeling like his body was on the moon as he left the art club room.

He smiled and as soon as he turned the corner Amajiki ran jumping down the steps with joy. He got home and spun to his room, Amajiki’s mother watched him and smiled.

Tamaki looked in the mirror and ran his hands through his hair putting it in a high ponytail. With the smallest smirk he opened a small red box that had jewelry in it, he looked at all the earrings and squinted, “Where is it” he mumbled he was missing one of his silver studs, “This is why I need a jewelry box,” he huffed to himself finding he earring on the ground near his bed. He placed it on his desk and went with the chain, hoops, and two studs. Tamaki looked at himself, “It's not too crowded… right” Tamaki waved it off and grabbed a turtleneck that hugged his chest, similar to his hero costume, black slick pants, and a cardigan.

Amajiki stepped out of his room, “Mom,” he called out making the pointy-eared woman turn around, her black eyes looking at her son, “I’m going ou-” His mom jumped up,

“You're going out,” she rushed in her purse and grabbed four twenties and tossed it at him, “oh my goodness!” She gasped seeing his hair, “Your hair needs to be done…” she walked over as Tamaki lifted his hands.

“It’s fine mom, I looked this time… And last time” she shook her head,

“If you're gonna try and grow your hair out like mine then let me do it” He nodded knowing his mom wouldn’t back down. They sat down, him between her legs as she took his hair down, his mother shook her head, “Your cute side-burns can get pushed to the back. Show off your ears honey” She smiled, “Like me and my hair!” He blushed,

“O-okay” Tamaki heard the hair clip in his hair snap as she tossed the rubber band on the table.

“Okay! Done sweetheart” he stood up and walked to the door making sure the money she threw was on him, “Hey,” she called and his purple eyes shifted to her, “let mommy give you a good luck kiss~” she joked in a baby voice, making him open the door, “No! I was just kidding!”

“Okay…” Tamaki sighed as his mom kissed his cheek before licking it, “What the… Mom I trusted you” she let out a big laugh

“Never trust your mother! Now get going… Oh, we need bread” his mom pushed him out, “Get the fresh stuff. You can have the rest as thanks for yesterday”


He waved to his mom and walked off. He looked in his pocket, grabbed the cash out, and counted, “Twenty, forty, sixty… She gave me eighty dollars!?” Tamaki sighed and walked the street.

Going to the local market was a common problem for Tamaki, mostly his mom. She'd end forgetting the eggs, bread, or meat each time she went and would send him to get it.

His mother says it's the reason why she and his father had a kid. And they swore it wasn't an accident.

Amajiki sighed walking into the store, grabbed the things he needed, and went to the self-checkout because talking was just too much right now.

He started to walk back home and stopped to see someone fall, their glasses jumping into the road, getting crushed in the process. Amajiki gasped before looking both ways, not wanting to get hit, “Are you alright?” Tamaki let out noticing the person's gray trench coat from school, “Lakira” he stopped kneeling down, his shaky hand touching her shoulder.

“A-amajiki” she mumbled sitting up, turning her head to him, “I’m okay,” she then said, “Have you seen my glasses, oh… I hope they aren't cracked,” He bit his lip,

“Uh” Tamaki looked around seeing the bent fames in the street next to him, "There crushed..." She looked at the ground in pain.


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