the secret

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Elizabeth's Pov:
Today, me and Erik were planing to play tennis all day because we had nothing better to do, I was winning and Dad was watching us "Come on Erik!  Your getting beaten by a girl! " dad yelled and Erik looked down and was ashamed, and scared, me and Lyle found out that dad was doing things to all 3 of us, I look at Erik with a sad face "Come on, another round" I said and Erik nodded, we played as Erik hit the ball for the 9th time, I moved to the right instead of left,  I let Erik win "that's how you do it Erik!  Elizabeth you could do better! " he said as he walked inside, I was so confused with this person, Erik walked next to me "You let me win didn't you" he asked,  I looked at my twin and nodded Emberessed and he nodded back and hugged me, he and Lyle knew how emotional I was with our father, I hugged him back and Lyle walked out and when we saw me and Erik hugging he immediately ran to us "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" he asked me "She let me win at tennis and Dad yelled at her" Erik said for me and I nodded Erik hugged me again and so did Lyle "It's okay Ellie" said Lyle, that's when mom walked out "Elizabeth, Lyle and Erik lunch is ready" mom yelled for us and we let go and walked inside.

We walked inside and we sat down at the table, dad already left for work, so it was just us 4, we looked at the launch, and then each other, and then at mom who was looking at us "So? Are you going to eat it or what? " she asked and we started eating it, and this time it was delicious, we were shocked "Mom this is really good" I said and she smiled at me, our mom loved when we said that her cooking was good, even when it wasn't, "Yeah mom it's really good" said Lyle "Delicious" said Erik and she smiled at them too "Do you guys want more? " she asked and we nodded, she smiled and gave us more, as we were eating she was watching us and smiling at us,  our mom is a good person to me,  but not so much to Lyle and Erik, she can be good with them, but also mean, she was only mean to me when I did something bad, mom stopped smiling and looked at Lyle "Did you tell them, lyle" she asked looking at him angry and we looked at Lyle "Tell us what? " asked Erik, Lyle looked at us and smiled at us "I'll tell you guys later" he said, mom scoffed and walked away, the thing that Lyle needed to tell me and Erik made mom really angry.

When we were done eating Lyle told us to go to his room, so we went and we already saw Lyle sitting on his bed and had a sad smile on his face "What's wrong Lyle? " I asked "Sit" he said and Erik sat on a chair that's really close to his bed and I sat next to Lyle.

We sat there for a couple of minuets "So Lyle are you going to tell us? " I asked he looked at us and nodded, he took a deep breath "Look, I love you guys" he said looking at me and Erik "I really do" he said "And what I'm about to say, you guys will think that I don't but I really do, like really, really-" I cut him off "Get to the point Lyle, please" I said annoyed and Erik laughed at me, Lyle looked at me, and smiled "I'm going to collage" he said "We know" said Erik "Yeah but dad moved my collage" he said and me and Erik looked curious "Where? " I asked "Princeton" he said and me and Erik looked at him in shock "What! " me and Erik said as we stand up and he standed up and put his hands up for us to calm down "Guys it's okay" he said "It's not okay!" I said "Lyle you promised us that you will have collage here so that we can be closer, and that you would not leave us alone with dad all the time" Erik said "I know, I know, but dad already said no and singed me in Princeton" he said, I was so angry and I wanted to talk to dad, I walked out of the room and Lyle and Erik following "Where are you doing?" asked Lyle "To talk to dad" I said "what no" said Lyle "To late" I said as we already walked in the room, and dad was sitting on the couch "All three of my children, what do you want" he said and looked at me "why did you change Lyle's collage" I asked calmly "Because, I want him to study Haier schools" he said 'bullshit' I said in my head "Dad you can't do that" I said and he looked shocked at what I said "Lyle wanted to go to the Beverly Hills collage, not Princeton" I said and dad got up and started walking up to me and I took a small step back, and Lyle and Erik took a step forward next to me "Listen, I have said this once and I'll say it twice, I do what ever with my children, no one will tell me what to do" he said and walked up stairs but stopped "Be at your room at 10pm,  I'll give you your punishment" he said and my stomach fell, I exactly knew what he meant by 'punishment', and he continued to walk up the stairs "Ellie I'm so sorry" said Lyle with a scared face and Erik had a scared face too "It's okay, I was stupid to do that" I said and Lyle pulled me to a hug.

Lyle and Erik were in my room we were all waiting for our father, I was leaning on Erik on his chest and he hugged me and Lyle sat next to us and was holding my hand I was really sad, because I knew what was going to happen, we heard steps coming and the door opened, we saw dad "oh please" he said as he saw us, Lyle and Erik let go and left my room and dad looked at me "Now, let's get this started" he said.......

When he was done he left my room, I sobbed because my legs Hurt so so much, I got up put my jeans on and T-shirt, the this pain in my stomach started, and I knew what it was I went to the bathroom and started to threw up, I heard footsteps and o saw Lyle and Erik coming, they kneed down next to me and hugged me, Lyle studied my face "how was it this time" he asked "It was worse" I said as my voice cracked and o started to tear up "It was so much worse" I said as I broke down "Hey it's okay" said Lyle "It's okay Ellie" said Erik and they hugged me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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