Chapter 2: Friendship

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When Ek opened the door my heart started to beat faster. She was beautiful today. I quickly reminded myself that she just a friend, .......My best friend.

"Hi" I said, do you want to come flying with me." "sure." she replied."just a sec." When she returned she had put her strawberry blonde hair in to a braid.

Ready, set, go!We both leaped in the air at the same time and flew straight up. Flipping ,turning, diving, and laughing.

It was starting to get late. So we flew to our "secret spot" which, was a cliff over looking the ocean to watch the sun set."I need to go home for supper", said Ek."Ok, can I fly home with you?" "Sure."

When we got to her house I said bye and left for home, wishing the day would not end.

Comment please I need input so I know how to make a better story.

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