Chapter 14: Love and pain

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Ekoo's pov

My eyes shot open at the sensation of being kissed. Aaron was sitting beside me leaning over my face with a surprised expression. "Ow." I groaned. "Umm Stay still, Ek. You are severely injured."he said in a concerned voice. Just then Winter walked up with wood in her arms. "She is awake?" Winter said looking at me."Yes. now hand me that wood please." He answered as he began to make a fire. Aaron kissed me. My mind was racing so much that it just quit thinking. I watched as the flame grew bigger and fell asleep.

Aaron's pov:

The fire had grown and the warmth of the flames made it harder to keep watch. The moon was high in the sky and kept reminding me of the hours to come waiting in the dark. Ek was tossing around so I put some calming stuff in the vi. Now she was only mumbling. Winter awakened slowly around 4 am insisting that I get some rest. I pretended to lay down and sleep.

In about ten minutes I heard Winter's soft snoring continue. I got back up and set her in a more comfortable position beside me. I could tell that she wanted to help but she was just a child.I set and thought. I eventually reached in my bag to grab my notebook and pen then I began to wright.

Dear Journal,

We have been attacked by Erasers. We are a bit beaten up but Ek fared worse then us all. the Eraser's claw raked across Ek's stomach  above her navel. I patched her up and gave her blood . But her chances were dim. No one was around and I was sure she was going to die. So I leaned down and kissed her soft and true. The strange thing is I was sure she was kissing me back. As the fireworks faded I leaned back up and she opened her eyes I wonder if she remembers it. All of this is still a little gross but it is how I feel. Cheesy.

                                                                                 Yours in eternity,


I drew a picture of a heart with two different sides and wings and labeled the entry : My First Kiss. By the time I was finished a soft gray sky had turned in to a awesome sunrise coming from behind the mountains and a new day had begun.

Manasseh's pov:

This morning we woke up to find that Aaron and everybody was not back yet. I told Seth to stay at the house while I look for them. It is now around 11:00 am I have been searching for five hours and still no sign of them. Just as I was finishing that thought up I saw smoke in the distance and went to investigate.

Winters pov:

My eyes opened to a very sunny morning Aaron was by the fire and Ekoo was sleeping. Aaron turned around " Winter, I need more firewood. We are going to build a bond fire so your brother can find us." "ok." I replied as I headed in to the woods. I picked up a hole bunch of big sticks and brought them to Aaron. Soon the fire was big and strong. A few minutes later a falcon flew down from the sky. It was my brother!  

Aaron's pov

I heard winter say "Manasseh!" so I turned around to see him walk out from behind the bushes. " Hi Aaron. Are you ok?" he said. Then he walked over  to Ek  and said," oh. So this is why you did not come home." " yes, Manasseh I need you to help me build a sled and turn in to a big animal to pull it all the way home." I said quickly. 

A confused and amused expression came on his face. He laughed," Like a mule." I felt my face start to redden as Manasseh said that. I turned on my "poker face" and replied "Yes, that would be very helpful. Now go get some wood."

As  Winter and Manasseh started building the sled, I flew home as fast as possible to tell Seth that we where coming home soon. When I flew over that last ridge line to are house I new something was wrong.

 The sounds were gone, the sounds of a forest. Like the birds chirping, and deer eating grass, and the wind was all still. Then I saw my house or more the remains of my house on fire. I flew down and sank to my knees in despair. 

Then I remembered Seth. I jumped up and flew high in to the air calling his name. Then I saw a hand under some rubble I flew straight down and almost cashed as a tree branch fell, flaming. I landed on the side of me feet and fell to the ground. "ow." I mumbled.

 Seeing the hand again, I began to dig frantically with my hands. Finally I had uncovered him from the dirt. I checked for a heart beat and found one. Seeing only scrapes and bruising on his skin he seemed ok. I picked him up realizing for the first time that he was probably less than 110 pounds, a easy weight to pick up because of the avian in me. I then jumped in to the air and began flying back to Ek and the others to warn the that we had to find a new home.

Manasseh's pov

We finished the sled around 5:00 p.m. So we braked for supper. Winter came up and gave me a hug. "Thanks for finding us, Manasseh." " Your welcome, Winter" I said giving her some soup. "yummy" she said happily.

I heard a sound, so I walked over to Ekoo. " Here eat this" I said softly bringing a spoon to her mouth. "Where is Aaron?" she asked. "He went to tell Seth we will be home soon and not to worry he should be back soon to help."   "ok." she replied. She slowly finished the small bowl, like she got tired with every bite.

 Winter came over just as she fell asleep. " Manasseh, the sun is setting can I go to sleep?" she said mid-yawn. "Sure" I said patting the ground beside me. She laid down beside me and put her head on my lap. Her straight light brown hair was dirty and tangled.

Winter, her eyes were a baby blue and they slowly shut as she fell asleep. Eventually, I got tired too, so I picked up her head and laid it on the edge of the table cloth.

I then stood up and added more wood to the fire so it would be less likely to burn out during the night. Walking back over to them I laid on the other side of Winter on the grass and soon after fell asleep.

Aaron's pov:

I flew for three hours, half the way back before it got to dark to fly. Seth was still unconscious. I flew down to a clearing in the woods and started to set up camp. Finally, getting the fire to start I heard a soft moan. I walked over  to Seth as he woke. He opened his eyes."How you doing?" I said. He jumped up and the immediately fell back down yelling "Who's there?! Jeb I'm gonna kill you!" "Hey!, Seth its me, Aaron!" I responded quickly holding him down. "Aaron? Oh Gravey I'm sorry.....Aaron why can't i see you?"

Seth's pov:

I'm blind I thought. As I started to weep. Thinking about who and what I will never actually see again. Aaron got off of me holding me as I wept on his shoulder. "It's gonna be ok." He whispered.

Aaron"s pov:

I know most of you people reading this are like shipping me and Seth together right about now but no. I love Ek. Seth is young but he has probably had to grow up fast from growing up in a lab. I am sympathetic and think of him as a brother. Soon all the crying subsided as Seth wore out and he fell asleep. I moved him closer to the fire then went to sleep myself.

I woke up early in the morning and reached the Manasseh's camping spot with Seth on my back. landing silently as they stared at us. Manasseh ran up and gave Seth A hug as I begin to explane what happened. 

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