Chapter 19: The Planning

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Stiles refused to deal with Derek's car anymore. He couldn't handle the confinement such a small space put on him. When Scott had called to say he was back with Lydia and Malia, Stiles wanted to sunlight-leap home to get his jeep. Derek hadn't been happy about that, not wanting him to go anywhere on his own, so they'd compromised.

Derek drove him to his house and they'd picked up his jeep, leaving Derek's car sitting in the driveway. As he drove to Scott's, Stiles' relief at being behind the wheel of his jeep lessoned and was replaced by anxiety as he considered Lydia and Malia.

The last time he'd seen them, they'd been in the preserve trying to find him and he'd gotten them lost using his fae tricks. No one got hurt, but Lydia had been stuck down in a small valley and Malia had run into a black bear. Stiles shuddered to think what would have happened if it had been Lydia with the bear.

Derek was quiet the whole ride, which left Stiles to stew in his own thoughts while he drove. By the time he parked his jeep in Scott's driveway, he was tapping the steering wheel constantly with both hands, anxiety spilling over. Derek said nothing, only getting out of the jeep, which had Stiles frowning, but he refrained from saying anything. He'd possibly gotten too used to having Derek make him feel better whenever he needed it.

He climbed out of his jeep and was caught by two strong arms and held close. He breathed in Malia's shampoo and gave her a hug in return, feeling some of his worry dissipate. Then Malia hit him on the shoulder, hard.

"Ow!" he complained.

"That's from me for Lydia," Malia told him. "You could have called her when you got back, you know."

Stiles was suitably chastised. "Fair enough. But what about calling you?"

Malia scoffed. "You and I are on a similar wave-length, I would have forgotten to call, too."

Stiles laughed. "I'm happy to see you," he told her.

"Me too, but Stiles? If you hurt Lydia like that again, I'll hurt you back, even though I love you."

Stiles believed Malia was telling the absolute truth. "I promise I won't," he swore, when she continued to scowl at him.

The promise made her relax and she smiled, grabbing his arm. "Come on," she said, and pulled him up the driveway into Scott's house.

Scott and Derek were talking earnestly with Lydia. The concerned look on Scott's face smoothed over when he noticed Stiles, and they all stopped talking. Stiles wanted to know what that was about but was sidetracked by Lydia turning around to face him.

"Lyds," Stiles said, softly. "I'm sorry. I know that doesn't go even halfway towards making up for everything, but I really am."

Lydia walked up to him, and Stiles couldn't help but feel a little threatened as she looked him over. He bit his bottom lip. "Lydia?" he asked, worriedly.

"Stiles." She rested her head against his chest.

He put his arms around her. "Hey, are you okay?"

Lydia sniffed and looked up at him, giving him an unimpressed look. "Apart from not seeing you for months and your dad and Jordan being kidnapped?" she scoffed. "Sure. I'm great."

Stiles had forgotten about Lydia dating Parrish. He shook his head at himself for being so uncaring and squeezed her tighter. "Well, now you're here, we'll go get them back."


Stiles wasn't too happy.

Everyone but Malia had vetoed his idea of being bait to draw out Brine. He'd thought Lydia would back him up, but apparently he'd disappeared once too often for her to be okay with it. Instead, against Stiles' complaints, they were getting help from Beacon Hill's resident druid asshole.

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