Day 3

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Judal Left the apartment next, giving Hakuryuu a cance to get some peace. 

He walked down to his class, He was studying literature. Altough the only reason he got in was because he was good a writing emo poems about how much he has wasted his life. 

He entered the classroom to see a class full of students and a boring looking teacher. He slumped down in his chair when someone tapped him on the shoulder. It was Jafar...

"Listen, I don't want to be friends with you, I dont even wanna acknowledge your existance, I just want to tell you to stop fucking Sinbad. I dont want him to get a disease, after all you have been with more people than I can count on my fingers you hoe."

Judal Just turned back to face the teachers, because he really didn't care what Jafar said, he was still going to continue to fuck whoever he wanted to. 

The first thing they had to do in the class was to say their name and say something interesting about themselves. The teacher went round the class and then got to Judal. 

"Um...I'm Judal and I-I am a whore, and everyone tells me I'm a useless hoe, but honestly I dont care". 

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