House Party

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Authors note: sorry its taken so long to update, Ive been very busy recently but heres the next part! ^_^

Hakuryuu, Kouha and Judal all arrived home from a long hard day at their classes. 

"Yo bitches I'm having a house party tonight so invite anyone you know or want to come." shouted Kouha

This was the perfect oppertunity for Judal to fuck around a bit more, so he was completely open to this idea. Hakuryuu on the other hand wasn't so keen on the idea, he'd had a pretty bad day and just wanted to go to sleep early tonight.

Kouha had invited all of his brothers and sisters, Hakuryuu invited Alibaba and Morgiana from his cooking class, Titus and Aladdin  and Judal invited Sinbad... his crush.

Later in the night the party had started and everyone was here... apart from Sinbad, Judal was sitting at the door staring down a bottle of wine, he was already very drunk and when Judal got drunk he got angry and he was very annoyed that Sinbad had not yet arrived. Suddenly there was a knock on the door Judal shot over and opened the door, It was Sinbad!...and Jafar

"What the fuck you ass why did you bring Jafar." Judal slurred 

"Well its my first night and I didn't know anyone so I wanted to bring him." Sinbad replied

Judal fell to the floor crying, and screaming Sinbads name.

"I fucking hate you, this was supposed to be our night and you brought fucking Jafar." Judal cried

Judal ran into the bedroom to find Hakuryuu. He looked at Judal

"Why are you crying." 

"Shitty ass Sinbad, so why are you in here." Judal asked

"I dont really like parties that much..." Hakuryuu replied

Judals eyes met with Hakuryuu, they both knew they wanted to kiss but Hakuryuu couldn't bring himself to do it, but before he had a chance to think Judals lips crashed into his, was this really happening the boy he had a crush on since they net is kissing him. Hakuryuu knew Judal was drunk and upset so should he really be doing this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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