How to deal with a plastic bitch

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So i wrote this one fast so that you all had an updated chapter to read so here you go my minons!

We all know that person that is so two faced that he or she has two names one for each face. The person who is so fake if turn the heat on a little too high they would melt. Yes, that person who is so materialistic that even Regina George could not compete.  Well it is time to sit back, get a snack and listen up, because it is now time to deal with that superficial plastic bitch. Here are some do’s and don’ts when dealing with a Barbie doll


Don’t: tell this person anything, as you may be only talking to the nice face. The next day your secrets could be leaked anywhere.

Do : let this person think you’re their friend. That they can trust you and tell you anything.


Don’t : listen to them when they are being hurtful to you

Do: smile, it is the best revenge after all


Don’t : start being plastic yourself

Do: break something of theirs (make-up, necklace, watch, relationship), by mistake of coarse


Don’t : invite them to hang out

Do: invite all of their friends to make them feel left out, maybe they will smarten up and realize everyone hates them.


Don’t : slap their face

Do: slap both faces

....And if all else fails, turn the heat on max they will melt.

Talk to you later
xoxo your bitch master Jenny

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