How to deal with a bitch.

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According to Urban Dictionnary, a bitch is 1. A word use to describe the act of whinning excessively. 2. Person who rides specifically in the middle of a front-seatting only car meant for 2 passengers or less. 3. Modern-day servant; a person who performs tasks for another, usually dreading in status. 4. Term used to exclaim hardship. And for those of you who are dumbasses and don't know what hardship is. It is when your "ship" goes hard in class or in church. So now to today's blog suggested by capucine22 here is how to deal with bitches that only derserve to be slapped in the face because they are freaking rude and annoying and no one wants to see their faces.

Step one: Be a bitch, read or blog if you haven't.

Step two: Why is this bitch, a bitch? Is she truly a bitch or is she a bitch minion. if she is a bitch minion and a part of our family then dont slap that bitch in da face. but if she is a bitch..move on to step three

Step three: Slap that bitch.  

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