Abraham to the world

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How would the world have been without the abrahamic faiths? It can be debated that the vast majority of spiritual and moral beliefs in the western world and if not the majority of many 3rd world as well is based on the views of the abrahamic religions. This is true for many reasons the main being countless invasions and conversions of this other nations through conquest. None the less the three major faiths of the religion have been accepted and practiced by the vast majority of nations since their adoption. But these religions based of mystery and little fact like their origin have only proven to be chaotic and dividing force in the true search for the god of Abraham.

Most if not all true followers of the beliefs have no idea or clue the origins and beginning of their own beliefs and god. This is true for all three the fact being to this day there is no solid proof or evidence for neither the Biblical Hebrew people and their "stories" nor for the biblical Jesus and his saga and neither do we have solid evidence of Muhammad and his epic. All three taken to be historical peoples and events from the beginning til now are all still based of mass global acceptance in the belief of the truth and not the truth itself of the faith. To tell the modern Jew, Christian or Muslim that their god is an African god and that the vast majority and understanding of that god was studied in ancient Egypt and rebranded to empower the more "western" emerging world at the time would be almost blasphemy to them. But as the Bible says he who seeks shall find.

It is no secret or conspiracy to history but it is well known fact that the area today now known as Israel or Palestine was territory of the Egyptian empire for hundreds of years from 1500 bce to 1100s bce and almost the entirety of what we call the biblical era by biblical scholars own acceptance. Thutmose the 3rd conquered the lands from what is now modern day north Sudan to southern Syria.

  To even make the delusion of religion more evident the chart above shows a simple comparison of biblical history from creation to the timeline of some real events in recorded history

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To even make the delusion of religion more evident the chart above shows a simple comparison of biblical history from creation to the timeline of some real events in recorded history. Thutmose the 3rd rained from 1479 bce to 1425 bce. This true and proven historical time line matches almost perfectly with the biblical exodus of Moses and the Hebrew people from Egypt according to Bible scholars in 1496 bce. Being the exodus lasted over 40 years the dates match up almost perfectly not to mention the name of the pharaoh and of Moses are almost the same. And to even take it a step future to show the twist and perversion with real history, Thutmose the 3rd was the first pharaoh to truly go into and and subjugate the land known as Canaan and make it a colony and part of the Egyptian empire mirror Moses so called exodus to the promise land and the conquering of it by the so called Hebrews.

  Even though the Bible is filled with many tales that don't match the literal reading of the original Hebrew text we can still use it as a point of reference to itself using modern information. Many false ideologies that and misinformation that were pushed and used centuries ago are now being proved false by the same Bible that was used to push such false doctrines. One example is the story of Ham and Noah. It was once pushed by religious beliefs that the origin of the black race was through ham and his curse by his father Noah for him to be black skinned because he saw his fathers nakedness. Modern since proves that that can not be further from the truth, black did not come from white but the other way around. Through simple genetics science proves their racists and fairytale assumptions to rest.

Abraham also being from Ur in Mesopotamia proves a direct Sumerian link to originator of the Hebrew faith. The fact that Abraham came from the culture of the Sumerians makes it impossible to rule out that many of the ideas and stories of the Bible have a link to many of the stories in ancient Sumer as well, the fact being Abraham knew of god in the land of his fathers. Even the high priest Melchizedek knew of the god of the Hebrews hundreds of years before Moses. Many do not know that when read in the original Hebrew the Bible clearly shows the name of Sumerian gods such as Enki and Anu. Some might think it to be a coincidence but strong relationship between the two cultures makes it very plausible to be fact.

  Another in your face fact that should spark the curiosity of truth seekers is the fact that the Bible gives us a record of where the Hebrew's were before the exodus. The Bible tells us that they dwelt and helped build the city if pi-ramesses. This gives us an almost certain era or time period. And again if we were to match up the biblical account to any time given in proven history there is no documented account of any massive exodus out of Egypt recorded by any civilization. And that being said the conquest of Canaan doesn't match anywhere for the time period as stated before the entire of Canaan was Egyptian territory for hundreds of years after pi-ramesses was built. And let us remember the Gihon  river is the Nile in the Bible it's only in modern times that the name Gihon was used to make a connection with the spring in Israel the to further push the false narrative. In the Bible it states that the city of David is west of the Gihon(Nile).

  The practice of bending the truth to try and match or prove the Bible to be accurate information and history must have a purpose greater than we must know because the base of science is truth and evidence. So why make the most relative subject to mankind based off lies? In my opinion the next great and probably the greatest advancement mankind will take in the future is the abandonment of the fictional religious narrative of god and into a new more scientific and historical view is adopted. With people living in 2021 still believing in fairytale fables and adhering to make believe events and facts it's no wonder many of society's under rooted problems can never be solved.

With humans as a whole with a mindset set for intellect and not superstitions many of the cosmos most elusive mysteries might be made closer and more understandable. The fact that even the simple truths and knowledge we now have on many subjects of nature and history and textbooks and lessons are still teaching outdated and wrong information in schools and universities is sign society is not truly ready to advance in true progression of knowledge. Predicaments like those are one of the many reasons many people today are straying away from mainstream information and media and moving towards more alternative media and information sources. Anyone with formal western education will instantly start to see the gapes and holes in their religion and formal education once exposed to the actual raw data about each subject.

The educational system needs to changed immediately in the western world in order to start to the transition of progress. How is it really going to benefit society to keep knowledge restricted? The past and the present are proof that with increase knowledge and interaction the world expands and develops while countries in isolation have slow and limited growth and advancement's. Countries like Cuba and North Korea are prime examples. Both countries are apart of modern society but do to economic and educational isolation and restrictions the quality of life and living conditions could never be equal to a nation with more freedoms.

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