Chapter 21: I Love You, Do You Know That?

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*I am possessive. I will kill for what I know is mine be it a thing or a person. I don't fucking share.*


Warning: Killing. Not suitable for young readers or sensitive minds that may trigger traumatic experience. Feel free not to read this chapter if you can't take the risk of reading such content that contains possible triggers that would affect your sensitive minds.

Read at you own risk!

Happy Reading!


Six Months Later

Lee Hi closed her eyes for a moment as nervousness filled her system. She's been doing the feeding program for four months now but she still can't get use to seeing lots of people attending the program. She instantly open her eyes when she felt a warm hand covered her slightly trembling hands. The first thing she saw is as dark as night irises of Kim Hanbin. There's also an encouraging smile on his lips. "Show them your smile not your nervousness. Just like what I said before, people like them knows the words appreciation and grateful. Don't be nervous, they will like you."

Lee Hi smiled at him and said, "Thank you." They went to the stage with their hands intertwined. Without wasting any more time, they started the program.

"Mr. Tan, stop!" The car halted in a full force. When she suddenly shouted that. They just finished the program and on their way home but Lee Hi saw a lost puppy near the drainage of the road.

Lee Hi didn't wait for Libert to open the door on her side. She immediately open it, then run towards the puppy that was on the other side of the road. She doesn't need to worry if cars will just popped up in front of her since that particular road was closed...and only the thirteen leaders' car can drove back and forth on the road. Everytime they are doing a feeding program Hanbin always want to close the road of the place they are driving to. 'Yeah, I just realized that's how powerful he is that he can even make the entire road closed.'

Lee Hi's heart melted upon seeing the poor puppy trembling. She even saw fear on the puppy's face. "It's okay. I am not going to hurt you." She tried to reach for the puppy's head to caressed it. When she succeeded the puppy loved it, her gentle and warm hand that was caressing his head. "I told you I am not bad. Are you lost? Or no one really cares about you?"

N City is the City of Gold, however, no matter how rich N City is.,there's still beggars, stray cats and dogs roaming around the city just to find some to eat.

"I can say that this city is still an ordinary city after all. The people only care for money...but not with in need of help, both humans or animals." Looking at the stray puppy she said. She scooped the puppy and straighten up, turned around and look at the man behind her. It was Hanbin who followed her right away. She knew as he felt his presence.

"Make an exception for one person." Hanbin said in a serious voice. "I care for you...and for what you feel. And I love you."

Her cheeks flushed in red. She also bit her lower lip as shyness filled her system.

"Don't bite your lips or I'll bite them for you instead."

"Will you stop making my heartbeat fast?"

"If I did then...what will you going to do about mine." He took her hand on the side and drag where his heart placed. She felt the fast beating of his heart, not the usual calm beats of it. "You make it fast without even doing anything, Lee Hi. Just by looking at heart pound, fast and loudly."

✅When A Bad Boy Fell In Love (Fanfiction) Wattys2021✅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora