Chapter 37: You Make The Bad Boy Fell In Love

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*Some love is worth fighting for..and some are worth letting go. I fought hard for the love but it's not for I am letting you go. The I am letting you go meaning..that I am willing to set you free just for you to be happy with her. Because most of the should be selfless.*


BGM- Paubaya by Moirra Dela Torre


Always remember you are love, everyone is love.


"You still trust him, right?"

Lee Hi was taken aback by Min's question. She shifted her gaze to him. It took her long silence before she finally answered. "I still do, Min." She's probably a fool. She's been hurting by the man she loves. Planting doubts in her head..yet she still trust him. How fool can she get even more? Or maybe she's starting to be numbed. Or maybe fool and numb.

'You can judge me and call me fool but I just loved...and there's nothing wrong to trust someone you love..even though he only gives you in return is doubt...and pain. After all it shouldn't be the one mistake we are counting..because it's not only one time that they made us happy. It's not only one time that they helped us stand from our fall. My mind is foolish so did my heart.'

"Hyungnim." Hanbin looked at Haruto, Bobby's first in command guard. Bobby lend his hand through Haruto to at least help Hanbin since Min isn't around and the other leaders too.

"I'll follow you in a bit let me just finish my business here first. You know where to bring him, Haruto." He's pertaining to the spy they just captured in Sun restaurant. He noticed that he's being followed by the same man for weeks now. When he thought he can still escape this time he was wrong. It's a wrong move that he went to the comfort room to go to the exit...but he was captured because Haruto's team are already waiting for him.

"Yes, B.I."

Hanbin looked at the girl beside him as soon as Haruto is no longer on sight. She's beautiful and any man could fall for her just by her smile. Sadly, he can't fall for it since he was fallen deeply in love with someone else's smile. The warm and gentle one.

'I love you babe. I am sorry I can't make it tonight. I am such a bad guy for keeping you wait for nothing. I'll just make it up to you.' The things he wanted to say earlier to Lee Hi however they have to make the spy believe that it's Dahyun whom he love. Admit or not the enemies will look for something or someone that is important to us in able to hurt us and you can call him selfish but he can't risk Lee Hi's life. He have to make everyone believe that it was Dahyun for Lee Hi's sake.

They move to the secluded area which is for the VVIP like him can only dine in. After the scene earlier of capturing the spy. He wanted to talk to Dahyun privately, because even if he's away..he's fully aware of everything that is going on..especially about her and Lee Hi.

"This will be the last time that we'll pretend that you are actually my girlfriend, Dahyun." He said casually. He lift up the glass to his lips that contain whiskey and took a sip.

Dahyun keep her composure by showing her perfect smile. "Why? Is it because of Miss Lee Hi, B.I?" She casually asked.

"Lee Hi is one of the reason, but the main reason's not right. I don't want you to get hurt. It's not right that I am putting you in danger while I am keeping Lee Hi safe..besides I have decided that I will tell her everything tonight. And by the way.. if you really can't be nice to her..just don't pretend that you are."

✅When A Bad Boy Fell In Love (Fanfiction) Wattys2021✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ