The first move

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*Jaces perspective*

Jace sighed and ran his hands through his sweaty hair. That didn't how he expected. Not how he wanted it to go at all.
Maybe I made a mistake, he thought. "No!" He told himself. He wanted this and it was for the better.
He couldn't take all the sparkles, rainbows, weird concerts he had to attend, the people's stares, and all those childish ways. He thought of the glittery bows and shuddered.
He started to wonder how they got together in the first place...
The waitress came over with the receipt, scaring Jace out of his thoughts. There was a fake sympathetic look on her face.
"Soo sorry about that." she whispered, looking over at the door that jojo had just left seconds ago. She sighed dramatically and set the receipt in the table.
As the waitress turned to leave, Jace thought he saw a smug smile on her lips but she was already at the counter and he decided it was nothing.
He left the money on the table for the waitress to pick up and left The Spoon. It had been to quiet after jojo's dramatic exit and jace was starting to feel uncomfortable. Not to mention how late he would be for his job.
While walking to his Mercedes Benz, head down and deep in thought, he felt something crinkle when he put his hands in his pockets.
He pulled out what looked like a half of a used receipt and turned it over. It read,
Jace, you deserve sooo much better
At the bottom was a number, undoubtedly hers and a heart face drawn in the middle.
How flattering, Jace thought smiling to himself.  He didn't think once how it had gotten into his pocket as he added the number on his contact list for later, but he knew this. Things were starting to look good for him.

Jace Norman X reader feat. Jojo siwaWhere stories live. Discover now