My clumsiness (also from the medicine)

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So I take a medicine called keppra it is fine I don't mind taking it but what really gets to me is the side effects. So I take this medicine every morning and night. But during the day I am pretty clumsy it just comes to me. I almost walked into a wall like it was a portal which is not true. And I fell down the stairs two times it is annoying the first time was at my house. Second was at my friends house very embarrassing. When I bonk into stuff it gets to me like really I once kicked the stool hard and I yelled my mom told me to stop but it got to me. And if I do it in public like I fall into the pool or I fall on the ground by my friend. I just don't want people to only think of me as clumsy I just don't want to be clumsy I want to be something else besides that.

I hope you all understood and thanks for reading this I appreciate it.

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