1 To The Stars

712 11 14

Day One Leaving To Space

Canada was walking in the hallway at the station he was about to go to his room but someone stop him it was the commander he look at Canada "you guys are leaving today so you better get everything in your room and wait at the spaceship for the others" Canada nod "yeah I will uh thanks" he left to his room in a hurry he was excited

Canada grab pictures and added music to his laptop he was happy but when he was about to leave his room he look at the emptiness he frown Canada remember when he first started training he sighed as he closed the door leaving to the spaceship he look at how it look Canada then look over to one of his crew mate who was talking to himself

Canada walk to him "how are you feeling? About this all?" The other person was anxious "uh this been my dream as a kid my whole life but it came too soon" another person came out of nowhere "hopefully we don't die up there" Canada look at the others expression he was terrified so Canada went to hug him

"it's going to be all fine you can trust us to keep each other safe right?" The person awkwardly smile "yeah" Canada just laugh "ok see you in the ship" so Canada went up to the ship to put his stuff somewhere and the co-commander look at Canada "we got five minutes until the countdown start so go help the others" so Canada went and told his other crewmates

Canada help them out and everyone went in the ship Canada and others went to their seat and the co-commander look at all of her crew "ready" Canada and the others nod and right before you know it the countdown started as all of them started getting ready and some pressing buttons to help them out Canada started to feel anxious

Then all you hear was 3 2 1 and the ship started to shake moving upwards Canada started to freak out but hold his breath as the sky started to change colour and made it to space Canada watch his spacesuit helmet fog up as he was breathing too fast and started to get light headed he heard the co-commander ask if everyone was ok but he fainted

Another day pass in space

Canada woke up yawning his head ache a little bit he touch his head he was fine Canada look around he was in a room then a bright light hit his eyes which he flinch and look away the person jump "oh yes your awake and sorry if that hurt your eyes" Canada rubbed his eyes "yeah that hurt" the person frown "I'm sorry I didn't meant it"

Canada look at him looking at the room "where are we?" The person laugh "were in space in the satellite so we're circling earth" Canada look at the window "wow.. where's the others?" The person grabbed Canada's hands "follow me their in the main room" Canada got pulled out of bed and stand up he started to get light headed

"Wait wait" the person look back at Canada as he almost fall "sorry all the blood just rushed—" "no it's fine I should be sorry I just forgot" Canada stand there for a bit seeing the colours go away "ok I'm fine" the two walk to the main room "oh I see he's awake that's good" the person smiled "yeah and—" "and now it's time to go back to work"

Canada nod so they went and work on writing and giving data on what's going on also cleaning is accepting after the day Canada sat alone by himself in the room looking at the window feeling weird starring at the stars then earth he wasn't ready for this at least Canada thought he wasn't ready himself he sighed then someone came in

"Hey- feeling homesick?" Canada shrug "no idea" the person sat on the other bed "were roommates come on you can say anything" Canada look back at the person "roommates?" The person laugh "yeah I kinda made you my roommate it was either you or the other girl" Canada grab his blankets "the co-commander?"

The person shake their head "no the other girl?" Canada haven't seen the other girl "who?" The person laugh "that's it I don't know who she is" Canada realize "who are you.. I mean what's your name" the person shrug "call me whatever I don't really give myself a name I let anyone call me anything" Canada frown "is that bad"

The person shake their head "no of course it's funny and makes me happy to see what names they choose for me" Canada lay down on his bed covering himself up "what do you want me to call you?" The person laugh "that's not how it works you have to call me something" Canada lay there in his bed thinking "what if you don't like it?"

The other person chuckle "the worst thing you can probably call me is inappropriate names so don't worry about it" Canada sighed and stretch out "I don't know it's weird" the person look at Canada confused he wasn't thinking "you want to call me weird? Uh ok?" Canada sat up fast looking at him "no no no that's not what I meant"

The person lay down "it's fine" Canada frown "no That wasn't going to be the one it was going to be Leaf" the person look at him with an unexplainable expression "Leaf? I like it why did you choose that name" Canada look at himself and look at him "I have no idea" saying it sarcastically the person realizes and smack his face as he fall back down on the bed

"That was a dumb question" Canada lay down "maybe to you but not to me it made me laugh—" "You Guys Are Supposed To Be Sleeping!! We Got A Lot To Do Tomorrow!!" Canada covered up in the blankets as Leaf Yell Back "Yeah Like What Do Cleaning And Writing!!!" It went quiet and Leaf lay back down "good night Canada hopefully we can become good friends"

Canada look at Leaf and laugh "I thought we were already friends" Leaf look at him dumbfounded "w- what" Canada shake his head "nothing go to bed now" Canada turn away from him facing the wall to avoid staying up all night talking about unnecessary random things with his new friend

Day 3. in space

Canada woke up and Leaf was shaking him up "hurry up you slept in" Canada sighed and got up doing what they normally do it was boring Canada then started looking around the ship/satellite it had a lot of things then when he was about to open a door Leaf scared him "Ra! Scared ya" Canada glared "Whatever I wasn't scared"

Leaf shake his head smiling "lies lies lies! I seen your body jump out of your skin" Canada sighed looking at Leaf "fine you did freak me out-" "scared yeah" Canada chuckle "ok smarty pants go do your work" Leaf shake his head "I did everything already I don't know what to do so I came over looking for you"

Canada smile "yeah I finished everything so I'm just wondering around bored" so the two went in the room looking at everything and went out looking at all the rooms everything was mostly bright colour buttons or computers or something the two went to the no gravity door and walk away "we can't go through there—"

a bell rung which confused the two so they went to the main room "oh where were you guys you shouldn't be at the no gravity zone unless you have to do something over there like work" the two apologize then Canada question "what's with the bell?" The co-commander look at Leaf "what's with the camera?" Canada look at Leaf as he put it behind his back

"Just for memories" the co-commander look at Canada "the bell is to let you guys know it's break or lunch or whatever just time to relax and eat" Canada nod "that's interesting ok" Leaf walk away "ok I'll eat later" Canada just sat down at the table eating food by himself he usually has Leaf with him after a while they all went back to the rooms

Canada went to his room to see Leaf laying in bed on a laptop Canada look at Leaf "what's up?" Leaf look at Canada "nothing much just doing a project actually two projects" Canada look at Leaf interested "oh what's it about" Leaf shut his laptop "uh you can't see it.. it's kinda special to me I'll show it to you when I'm done with both of them I promise your going to love it" Canada smiled and lay in bed "ok" the two lay down and fall asleep

I Will Wait For You (Countryhuman AU)Where stories live. Discover now