*Idk what to call this, feel free to skip this chapter*

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So, uhhh.....

The reason why I write this chapter because I feel like I need to share my opinion (or vent? Idk ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)

Okay, so maybe some of you might know that one person who tries to look like Jimin from BTS.

(If you know, you know.)

Apparently, they had come out as non-binary and their pronouns are They/Them/Kor/ean/Ji/min.
(Like that?)

Look, I'm not mad because they came out as non-binary. I could respect that, but what make me mad is they said they are a Korean transracial.

*For those who don't know what is transracial, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transracial

This is what I get from Google. I hope it could help you to understand it.*

And, surprisingly, there are some morons who support this person, mostly on Twitter.

Like, bitch, you can't change your own race! Just take the goddamn fact that you are white naturally.

I used to ignore this kind of thing, and thought; “ Oh, maybe they'll change soon.” But, no! They haven't change a little bit and guess what?!

They also tweeted that they would like to be Japanese one day. After trying to be Korean, now they try to be Japanese.

Please, for fuck sake. Stop with the idea of changing your own race. If you
think that being an asian is a trend, I'll get my fucking selipar, fresh from factory.

A lot of asian peoples are really uncomfortable with you, being a fake ‘asian’ and ‘Korean’.

People won't be mad if you just like;

“ Oh, I would love to learn more about *any country* culture.”

That would be nice and maybe some of them would appreciate it.

//Ok, that's enough for today. Aku maroh sangat sampai benda yang tak ada kaitan pun aku tulis kat sini :v//

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