2 | brother

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"Hey is that your brother?"
I look up from my phone and saw my brother walking with his girlfriend, Mona.

"I thought they broke up?" my friend asked. I frown and looks away not answering her.

"I think we should just go. I don't wanna talk about this." i avoided the topic and walk in different way, not wanting to cross path with my brother.

"Yah where are you going?" my friend catched up.

"I'm just going to relax myself tomorrow is exam. I need to study."

"Since when did you start studying?" she laughed and hit my shoulder lightly.

I also laughed a long because she is right i never really study that much. I'm an average student you could say that.

"I haven't seen Taehyung around. Where is he?" she looks looks around as I stopped infront of my locker putting my books inside.

"He is currently in a basketball practice. They will have a match in 2 weeks so he needs to focus." i close my locker and turn around to face her.

"I'll go to the court later after school, you up?"

"As much as I wanted to go, I have to go somewhere. So I can't accompany you. Ask your brother." she suggested.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Why would I ask that asshole to accompany me? No worries I can go alone plus I just want to watch Taehyung on his practice. So i will be good."

"Alright. See you tomorrow then!" she bid goodbye and I proceeded to go to my last subject.

I went to the class. It's boring I just want to go home or cuddle with Taehyung. I miss him we haven't seen each other for like 2 days and I think i will lost sanity if I don't see him today.

Thinking back again about Jungkook and Mona earlier I wonder if they got back together. Because as far as i remember they already broke up last week.

Who cares anyway. I am not interested in his love life.

Anyways I am about to graduate this year. I am a senior and i'm very excited. Jungkook is a freshman. Funny how he is already popular even though he is just new in our school.

People have no idea that we are siblings. Well we barely interact to school and sometimes when we do it's secret type of interaction.

He made it clear that he doesn't wanna be associate with me. Pppffft. As if i care and the feeling is mutual!

I don't want his fangirls to swamp around me asking for his number and use me to get close to him.

They are obsessed weirdos.


Class ended and i'm on my way to visit Taehyung at his practice.

"Taehyung!" i called and he turn around and ran to hug me

"Oh damn atleast wipe your sweat first!" i tried to push him away and laugh. I got a towel from the bench and wipe his sweat.

Man he still looks hot.

"I miss you pumpkin." he said and peck me on the lips. I smiled and wrap my arms around his neck and return back his peck.

"I miss you too winter bear." he giggles and just like thay my bad day becomes a better day.

And then i watched his practice. He look so good even though he is dripping in sweats. He also make good throw shots aiming at the ring.

I'm so lucky to have him.

All the time I was just smiling while watching him not noticing that my phone has been vibrating inside my pocket.

I answered the call without looking at the caller's name.


"Where the fuck are you woman?"

"Who's th—"

"Are you serious didn't you saved my number?"


"Yeah one and only."

I heard him scoffing at the end of the line.

"What do you want!"

"Where the hell are you!?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I asked! Just answer me!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I'm here watching Taehyung's practice."

"Ha are you with your wimpy ass boyfriend again?" he insulted.

I don't know what the hell is his problem with Taehyung.

"Don't speak on him like that! And me being with him is none of your business so leave me alone and go annoy your girlfriend." i retorted back.

He chuckeld at the other line.

"Why do you sound so jealous."

What's that supposed to mean?

"Why would I be jealous? Are you crazy?" i shouted. Hot steams coming out of my nose.

Why is he pissing me off today.

He laughs again.

"You think I forgot that you used to have a crush on your brother when we were kids? Because "you are my crush because you are my superhero" he mimicked my 10 years old self.

How dare he bring that shit up. We were literally kids. Who cares about being dumb when you are young.

"Used. Meaning it's a past tense. And? We were kids back then! It's not a big deal and plus I was stupid when i was young. Why are you suddenly bringing it up?" i gritted my teeth.

Why does he always get on my nerves. He is an asshole.

"Just to annoy you because you're a bitch." he said and hang up.

How dare he hang up on me. I can't even retaliate because this asshole just cut me off. I hate him.

I glared at my phone and shove it back to my pocket. Just in time Taehyung came running to me with a new clothes. It looks like they are already done and he already changed.

"Did you waited that long?"

"Not really let's go and let me drop you off." i smiled and then we both went out with our hands intertwine with each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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