Chapter 10

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Hayoung returned to the dorm feeling all worn out. She didnt have that much of energy to smile so she threw her bag on the couch and took a power nap just to divert her mind off some gloomy things.

Around an hour her alarm buzzed waking her up that she suddenly realised that it was still early around 3pm noon.

She dragged herself out finding chorong marinading the beef, bomi getting ready to go to weekly idol filming, eunji on the piano while namjoo and naeun surfing naver.

They all diverted their gaze to me then gulped onto their saliva. "are you okay?" naeun asked.

I nodded briefly then moved to the table.

After the short nap, i ate something but a small portion. Chorong made potato salad with fried bacon for lunch. My tummy grumbled loudly so i ate quickly that i almost choked.
My unnies looked worried about me after the salon incident so to keep them assured, i just grabbed a bite.

I quickly had my shower then on my laptop. My mission begun in action. I was still upset but i need to try get jimin back.

Hmm.. Why dont i explain all of you guys my mission?

It is to look for that secret guy. I dont know why but i feel like he is secretly protecting me. I just want to thank him personally. All of my life i havent had a secret angel so i feel blessed to have one now but i do wish it was jimin though.

So i went on naver and searched each boy group. Well! Literary not all but all the groups that went to gaon chart awards.

Firstly i searched for the artist line up on that day.
Then I went to the search engine and typed "super junior airport fashion" "got7 airport fashion" " bangtan boys airport fashion" and so on.

That was the best way to see their outfits because they normally wear suits on stage and at events.

I didnt really type and search for exo because their chance would be very slim. ! Or maybe 0%~~~

"you might be asking me. What confidence do you have that it wont be them?"

"i got tons of reasons to support this""
"1) firstly, apink are not their cup of tea. Well.. I know suho dated chorong and bomi with chen but their ideal type they present to me seems very different. I think all boys are. They look handsome and hot so i reckon that they like the hot and smoky girl. Baekhyun had feelings for bomi once and even asked her out but i dont know why that the dating scandal of taeyeon subaenim and baekhyun broke off after a few days when bomi wanted to give it a try. "

"2) secondly, we never talk to them. We just greet and walk past each other. So thats reasonable to agree on... we did talk once in the same room during we got married filming but after the break up, we treat each other like strangers"

"3) thirdly they are busy. We all know that. They dont even have the time to rest. I have witnessed it. Even at music shows, after they finish their performances they have to rush here and there. They hardly have the time to breathe! No joke so its pretty normal for them to not glance or check on us.

"and lastly but not the least~ we just know that we wont work. I dont know how to explain but yea.. You get it.. We dont work together."

So i was looking through some pictures and it was disappointing.

Some celebrities even have the same outfit. Not that they are couples but they get sponsers and all so they wear the same outfit.

I got fed up. "how in the world can celebrities have same outfit as others?"

I continued. My determination was quite high at that time. I kept looking at it but i couldnt find that outfit. It was kind of annoying because i got no clues at all.

Suddenly my mind led me to some ridiculous thinking
"is that guy super rich? Is that a limited edition? Is that like one piece of a kind?"
I quickly messed my hair and laughed. Such a naive thought but i still searched on it. I know that was random and abit crazy but who cares? I am on a mission~~ ......

I searched for rich fandoms and also some rich celebrities. So their were some names like exo suho, exo Tao, exo baekhyun, big bang TOP, eric nam, super junior siwon, donghae, teen top niel, beast dongwoon, siwan, taecyeon the fashionista, shinee key who is a fashion icon and so on.

I actually agree on suho since he is known as the rich guy of exo.
He treats his members to meals just with a card. Tao is rich as well since he got a phone and i heard that it was very expensive from Germany or England.

I looked at the fandom section. Their was exo baekhyun, i heard that a fan gifted him with an expensive watch that it even made it to the headlines.
Others included shinee jongkhyun and other groups.

So these are the rich guys? I said. "could it be one of them?"

So i took out a piece of paper and drew a sketch or plan....

Hello guys!
How are all of you?
And enjoy this fanfic

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