Chapter 16

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We got off when the host annouced our names.
"please welcome the innocent fairies "Apink". Everyone clapped in unisions while btob, our really sweet friends cheered for us like crazy. "yo apink man! Apink! Hooo" changsub oppa shouted all the way while others looked at him.

We all giggled when bomi unnie made fun of it. "darn! Innocent again? Yep! Innocent"
Although it may sound wrong but thats the fact. We debuted as honest and pure fairies but sometimes we feel burndened because we are not always innocent. "I mean everyone has this time when they don't like their image. We suck in aegyo though". Chorong stared at bomi signalling her to keep quiet and act normal as possible.
Bomi unnie instantly smiled that it seemed overboard.

When we stepped in, i saw everyone's jaw drop. I think it is there first time to see us dressed like it. This time we went overboard with it. Prettier than our look on red carpets and stuff like that. Obviously, naeun helped with it. How can we not look prettier? Thats a rehtorical question!!

I saw chen staring at Bomi and a "wow!" escaped from his mouth while baekhyun kept his eyes on her then smiled warmly. "our outfits are on point" i suddenly said which made them nod.

Naeun pushed my elbow while I fixed my eyes on her. "Your Jimin is right there. Dont look" she quickly added.

Acting normal and like a pro, I teased her. "Yo! Your kai and L is staring at you" "who do you like?"

"Oh no! Not again" she eyed back at me then laughed hard.
I eyed every guy trying to figure out who that guy that helped me.
But of course I had the strong intention to make Jimin come back to me.
He is not consider a very handsome nor charistmatic guy but I do not know why I still need him in my life.
He was at the side clapping with his eyes trying to avoid my gaze.
By the time, I reached, we were interviewed. This time, it was true and pure. As there are no fans around, every group managed to speak out their minds. "So apink, it is my first time seeing you like this. So who do you plan to kill? " chorong laughed then smartly answered "everyone? " she said cutely.

"How about the maknae? " naeun elbowed me several times before I picked up my words.

"Jimin! " i said without thinking. That time, I was still lost in my own world. But I could hear people gasp. He shifted his gaze then looked away.
"Come again? " a few other groups teased but they did not know the entire story. The venue was filled with cheering.
But then, smash! A champaign glass fell.
"Oh sorry", I apologise. That chaos was made by sehun of exo.

" are you okay? " his members crowded and buried him with questions. Like of course everyone would bury him with love. He is from Exo
He gave them an assurance but his finger was bleeding. He looked at me then smiled. His gaze shifted away while he looked at Suho, the leader.

"Was he trying to help you? " naeun whispered next to me. I shrugged.
That moment, I didn't know whether he was helping me or it was pure coincidence.

Finally the awkward mood was gone with the help of sehun. Chorong pulled me to the other side and warned me to behave.
All the groups were having fun. They danced, ate and took alot of videos.
Jimin avoided me the entire time. I managed to open up with him. "We have to talk" I emphasized. He was next to his member, suga hyung.
Jimin ignored my first time when suga excused himself.
There was a dead moment of silence.

"Why did you say my name? " he started the conversation. "Do you know we are over? " "do you know you shouldn't? "

"Are you for real? " I managed to ask. "Do you really not think of reconciliation? " tears were forming on the edge of my eyes.

He turned and faced me. He was coming closer and closer to me. He looked straight to me. "You deserve better" his lips was close and I could feel his manly breath.
"Is that the reason for our breakup? " a tear trickled down.
"You will understand in the future" he kissed me which I was really shocked.

"Forget me. You will find a better one. Trust me" he kissed me again. My heart didn't feel hurt that much. Butterflies weren't forming like the time when I was dating him. His eyes did not sparkle anymore like before.
Finally, my lips moved.

"Umm, may we be friends at least? " i asked him back but this time choking on my tears. I think my question seemed stupid because he was looking at me in disbelief.
"Of course we can" he laughed.
"Jimin, I think I am able to let you go so easily because I fell in love with another person" I finally said those words out.
His eyes opened bigger. "Who? " his eyes grew quite bigger than the previous time.
"I don't know yet. After that day, when we broke up, I fell asleep on the stairs. A person gave his jacket to me."

Hayoung paused for a while then asked again.
"Do you have any idea to who it would be? " his eyes glittered with sparkles.

"Can i have a look at the jacket at least"? Jimin requested. Something great about him is that although we have broken up, he still remained friendly.

" Hmm... I have seen this somewhere. Wait, this looks so familiar."
My curiousity striked. "Who? Who? " I grew really impatient.
"Isn't is Sehun of Exo? " he finally said.
The world seemed to shatter. All this while, he was just near me.
"Are you sure? " I insisted to make sure.

"Yes! I remember seeing him wear that. I even said that, this suited him so much"

Tears started swelling up. I moved back abit but tried to balance myself.

"Jimin... Thank you so much. I got to go.... I will be back"

I ran without hearing him say anything.
All those memories and tears seemed to flash through my mind.
Finally, i saw him. My heart skipped abit. He was alone at the bridge side.
Slowly and slowly, I got closer to him.

"Can we talk? " i slowly asked which crept him out. He turned in shock.
"You scared me" he smiled.

"Hey, thank you for helping me"
"For,? " he asked back

An update. Thanks for being so patient

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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