How Does It Feel

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We walked down to his apartment complex, which was actually across from mines and it wasn't a far walk. I stayed silent, unsure what I was supposed to do. Or even say. When we made it to his door, he softly told me to take my shoes off. The apartment was similar to mines. He takes my shoes and places them on the welcome mat.

I chose a good day to remember to put socks on after rushing out of the apartment.

"Oh.. hey!" A girl says. She has a bright saturated red buzz cut, wearing a red silk spaghetti top with baggy olive cargo pants and black platform boots. She pauses and smiles at us. "This is my sister Duri," Leon says. "Duri this is Solé, I invited her over for ramen.." His sister's eyes widened before she looked at us both she smirked. "Ramen huh? I see you, Hyeon."


Leon rolled his eyes and quietly murmured something to her in Korean.
It was my first time hearing him speak in Korean and I got a little chill when I noticed his voice got a little deeper.

"Well, it's nice meeting you Solé, I gotta get back to my homework, but hopefully I'll get to see you around." Duri winked at me before walking off into a room in the back.

"Come, let's make some ramen."

He guided to the kitchen, asking if I wanted to help him cook. I nodded polity.

"Alright, wash your hands for me."

It was strange, moving around someone else's kitchen, it might look the same as my own, but being in someone else's space always felt weird at first.

"Are you allergic to anything?"


"Do you like spicy food?"




"Fried or boiled?"


He smirked. "Me too,"

Oh gosh.. It was so attractive I had to force down the curling of my lips.

Leon pulled out all the ingredients. There were green onions, garlic, red pepper flakes, two packs of ramen, some vegetable olive oil, and eggs. I had no idea what he was... I mean.. we were going to make, but I was excited and nervous. I never cooked with a guy before.

The idea seemed far-fetched, yet here I am now... Completely infatuated with him, watching as he cleaned off the counter, getting ready to cook with him.

He removed his rings, bracelet, and chains before washing his hands then putting on a little apron that said, 'Once you put my meat in your mouth, you're gonna wanna swallow'

I nearly choked on my spit.

Leon looked at me before he looked down at his apron and snickered.

"Woops. Forgot to wash my cooking apron so I'm left with my barbecue one."


The look in his eyes was obvious.

He enjoyed the petrified expression on my face.

I was thankful when he spoke to break me from out of this heated haze.

"I'm going to chop up the green onions, can you chop off the ends of the Bok Choy.."

"Bok Choy?"

Coming close to me, he reached over to pick up the leafy green. "This is Bok Choy, the white ends we don't need, so you can cut them off..."

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