two - flight

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I'm on a wide stage. It almost looks like a broadway stage. I think those two boys - the blond and brunette- will appear, but they don't. Instead Jake appears in front of me. He's staring at me. I smile and he smiles back. He walks towards me and grabs my hand to hold it. I ask him what he's doing, but there's no answer. Instead he grabs my chin and pulls my face closer to his. He leans in. Then it's all gone.

I wake up by Ethan shaking me.

"Okay, okay, I'm up." I say notably pissed off.

"Just wanted to make sure we aren't late." he says.

Ethan is never uptight. He's usually super laid-back. He never really is responsible for anything . This must mean a lot to him. It means a lot to me too, but I'm nervous around new people. Especially with teams.

I get out of bed and stretch. I put on a comfortable outfit that consists of a Nirvana shirt and grey sweatpants. All my stuff is down stairs so I grab whatever else I need from my room and leave.

Our flight is in a few hours, so we want to get there on time. Mom made Ethan and I breakfast. After we eat, we get all of our bags in the car and make our way to the airport.

At the airport we have to go through security and all that stuff. Before I know it we are boarding the plane and saying bye to mom.

"Call me everyday kiddos." Mom says as she gives us each a hug before we leave.

"We will mom, now we have to go." Ethan says

"I love you mom. We'll see you at one of the games." I say pulling out of the hug and grabbing my carry on.

"Okay. I love you two. Go have fun." she says crying.

Ethan and I walk away and give the lady our boarding passes. Since we are unaccompanied minors, we have to stay where the flight attendants can see us.

We sit next to each other and Ethan takes out his Walkman. I decide that I'll wait until we start flying to take mine out. We get situated and then the flight attendant starts speaking about safety and the nearest exits. I won't lie, I wasn't exactly listening in this exact moment.

I was still really tired it was 7am for crying out loud. Plus, not only was I tired, I was thinking about Jake. Beautiful Jake. He's perfect, but he'll never like me. Maybe one of the boys on the team will like me?

We start to take off and eventually we are in the sky. I have the album "Nevermind" by Nirvana in my Walkman so I just press play and I hear the comforting guitar coming from Smells Like Teen Spirit.

Ethan is listening to Pantera. He'll probably want to switch when he's done. I brought some books with me. I love to read while I listen to music, but I think I'll just sleep. It'll take us at least six hours to get there.

That entire flight I just kept thinking of Jake, and of course those two boys in my dreams. I know I just saw him the night before, but I can't wait till he comes to see our game. He loves hockey. I mean he LOVES it. He always talks about it. Maybe he'll join a team one day.

I can't stop thinking about his blond hair and ocean blue eyes. Yes, I might have just a small obsession, but I mean who couldn't. Then again, I can't stop thinking about those two other boys. Who are they? Where are they from? I have so many questions that I don't have answers to yet.

When we land we stay together and try to find the man who's picking us up. I guess his name is "Mr. Tibbles". Sounds like a Sesame-Street character. Before we look for him we find our luggage. It takes FOREVER!!

Ethan sees a sign that says "Ethan & Noelle Campbell" held by a shorter man with greyish hair.

We walk over and the man says "You must be Ethan and Noelle?"

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