three - first practice

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After Connie, Julie, and I get dinner we go back to the room. I actually really like them, they're nice. I want to ask them about those two boys though. I wonder why I dream about them. It seems so fake, but so real at the same time.

When we get back to the hotel we all take short showers, so we can have time to talk before we sleep. I'm the last to take a shower, so when I'm done I wring out my brown hair with a towel. I change into my pink shorts and black Motley Crue t-shirt.

After a bit of small talk about where we're from, our favorite things, etc, Julie asks me a question that I feel like I will regret answering.

"So Noelle, do you have your eye on any boys on the team?" Julie says with a smirk forming on her mouth.

"Well, yes actually," I say.

"OH MY GOSH!! WHO?" Connie says practically screaming.

"Well I don't know his name, but I thought he was pretty cute," I say as I grin embarrassingly.

"Describe him to me, I'm sure I can tell you who he is!" Connie says as she squeals.

"Well, he has blond hair. That's all I really know." I say

"Oh, well tomorrow at practice point to him and I'll tell you who he is." Connie says as her mood changes a little.

"Okay guys, I hate to be a bummer, but we have to go to sleep! It's almost 10 and practice is early." Julie interrupts

"Okay. Goodnight girls." I yawn before I doze off.

While I sleep, I dream of Jake again. It's impossible to get the boy out of my dreams. This time in the dream, we are skating at my favorite rink back home. He looks real as ever. Then it's all black, God will I ever be able to kiss him?


When I wake up, Julie is still sleeping and Connie looks like she just woke up.

"Morning." I say.

"Morning! We have a busy day ahead of us. Practice starts in one hour. Make sure to eat your breakfast" Connie exclaims as she brushes her long hazel hair out.

"How do you have so much energy? I'm so exhausted." I say wiping my eyes.

"I've always been a morning person, anyways I'm gonna take a shower. Will you wake her up so she can get ready?" Connie asks me.

"Yeah, of course. Go take a shower."

I walk over to Julie's bed. On the floor she has a book "I Know What You Did Last Summer" the cover says. I shake her to wake her up.

"Julie, it's time to wake up!" I yell hoping she'll hear me.

Julie grabs the pillow and puts it on top of her head. "Yeah, yeah, okay give me five minutes."

While Julie gets awake I grab all the things I'll need for hockey. My bag has all my essentials. I just put on a pair of sweatpants, a sports bra and a old t-shirt.

"How are you all ready? I'm so exhausted, we are definitely going to sleep earlier for now on." Julie spoke as she stretched her legs and arms out.

"You should see Connie, she's all energized." I reply.

There's a moment of awkward silence until Connie comes out of the bathroom fully dressed.

"Julie! You're awake. Get dressed now, we have to be downstairs in 15 minutes for practice!" Connie announced urgently.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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