She Exist

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Julie walked down the staircase and saw the team sleeping. Juliana laughed as she heard the door open. Miriam and Percy walked in. "Friends? Schoolmates?" Miriam said in confusion seeing the team asleep.

"We're up!" Mika yelled, waking up.

Everyone else yelled something as they also woke up. "Is everything alright?" Percy asked. "Um, gotta get out of here" Mika says. "But we would never leave you in a time of need" Miriam said. "Swag forever I say" Percy beats his fist in his chest, twice.

"And so say I!" Miriam says as she does the same thing.

Everyone groaned. Schwoz came in through the closet. "Has anyone seen Ray?" Schowz asked. "I thought he was with you" Chapa turned around in her chair. "Yeah, he's not..." Schwoz says as he leaves the room.

"Okay! Out the door you go... S'go, s'go, s'go!" Mika says as she stood up. She yelled to get the kids to the door. When Chapa and Miles opened the door, Ray was standing there with his jar of mayonnaise. "Cheerio, Kiddies!" Ray yells. "Who's ready for mayonnaise?" Ray says as he walks up to the kids.

Chapa and Miles slammed the door in Ray's face. "Into the closet Canadians!" Bose stated and pointed to the closet door. "Is there something wrong with teacher?" Percy asked, worried. "Yes! Now just go in the closet" Julie hissed as she shuts the door. Ray finally opened the door and he started mumbling things.

"Gotta get those kids! I won't get any sleep as long as they're here" Ray says.

"Look, Ray, you got two options" Miles said as he walked up to him. "Either go to bed or we gonna put you to bed" He says. "Third option, spin move" Ray says as he spins away from Miles and starts going towards the closet door. Chapa ran up and used her powers on him to shock him for a second.

Chapa ran beside Julie who was already guarding the door. "Next stop: the Man's Nest" Miles says as he tries teleporting to the nest but ends up beside Mika's desk. "Oh come on! Not even out of the room!?" Miles whines. Ray put the jar of mayonnaise in the air. "Let me at those kids!" Ray says.

Chapa and Julie moved back into the door until they couldn't move anymore.

Suddenly the jar of mayonnaise started floating out of Ray's hand with help from Bose and his powers. Mika shouts at Ray from his teaching platform. She made Bose fall causing him to let go of the jar and the jar landed on Ray's head. Suddenly steam started coming from his head.

"Dad!" Juliana yelled in shock.

Ray screams and leaves the room. "Friends, we can not stay idle any longer?" Miriam and Percy pushed the door open. "Well-" Mika started but got cut off. "What's going on in here?" Shapen says as she suddenly walks in. "Uh, normal school stuff" Bose says. "Ah-ha! There you two are, my British bake-offs" Shapen says. "You're coming with me" She says.

"What's this?" Percy says as he stares at Shapen.

"Where ever to?" Miriam said. "I got a new school for you two to go to" Shapen said trying to get them out. "We will never leave our friends" Percy said. "SWAG forever I say" Percy says with his chest hand thingy. "And so say I!" Miriam says as she does the same as Percy.

"Well, you gonna forget about them in about two seconds once the horse-strung carriage gets here!" Shapen says.

The team just stared at Shapen as Ray suddenly came in screaming.

"Ahh! My hair! My beautiful long hair!" Ray screams at the top of his lungs. Ray, somehow, fell into the messed up wheelchair in the middle of the of roo. He rolled himself out the door while screaming. "What's up with him?" Shapen asked as she pointed to where Ray once was.

"He just..." Julie says as drifts off her sentence, unsure of what to say. "Needs to take a nap" Chapa finished for her. "What's this about a horse-strung carriage?" Chapa and Juliana asked together. Mika glared at Julie but she didn't seem to notice.

"Some billionaire has a school that teaches to poor gifted English kids" Shapen explained slightly amazed; "It takes a lot of paperwork...I don't know how you did it".

Mika started smiling. "I know right? It's almost like someone filled out the paperwork for them" Mika says, exaggerating. The team stared at her with a look. "Yeah, whatever! It's much better than this dump" Shapen said.

"Hey!" Chapa and Julie unison, offended.

"Oh, come on, what kind of gifted school is run by an old bald guy in a wheelchair?" Shapen says. "Hey! My dad is not old" Julie says. Ray came in after Julie said that. "Yeah, I am not old!" He hissed at Shapen.

"Oh, pipe down, Mr. Clean" Shapen says as she pushes the wheelchair with her foot.

Ray rolled out of the room crying.

"Oh, my hair!" Ray says from a distance. "Well, this school can keep its licenses, but I'm never sending a kid back here again" Shapen said as the team all smiled at each other. "Well, beans and toast? It's time to Brexit." Shapen said as she snaped and walked out the door. "Goodbye, friends!" Percy said, waving.

"We will never forget you" Miriam says as she smiled.

"SWAG forever I say" Miriam says. "And so say I!" Percy says as he puts his fist on his chest along with Miriam. Miles did it back with a slightly hurt look on his face. The two British kids left with shapen. "Well, it looks like Miles was right" Bose said as the team made a small circle.

Mika was confused. "About what?" She asked. "The solution revealed itself" Bose says with a smile. "Yeah!" Chapa and Julie says together as they smiled and laughed. "No, no, no!" Mika shook her head.

"The universe doesn't provides, Mika provides! I filled out those application forms" Mika says while the rest of the team started walking out.

Chapa turned around and faced Julie. Chapa held out her hand and smiled. "Shall we?" Chapa asked. Juliana nods and says; "We shall".
They walked into the closet with the rest of their team behind them. "Hey! Are you guys listening?" Mika says. She started walking to the closet as well.

"Hello?! Chapa? Hey, I exist!" Mika stated.

The team and Julie went up the tube to the Man's Nest.

Danger Force went off to finish all the missions that they missed while Miriam and Percy were there.

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