Tell Me How You Really Feel

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"What kind of name is Deuce, anyway?" Captain Man questions as our and Deuce's were driving side by side.

"Let's go get that hard drive!" Brainstorm beamed as he drove.

"YEAH" We all cheered. "But I do not know how are we gonna do that" Brainstorm says with a smile. Volt shook her head and smiled at him. "Okay, okay, I have a plan" I said. "Whatcha got, shoot" ShoutOut says. "I'm all ears" Volt said. "What's up" My dad said.

"Let's have AWOL teleport over there, grab the hard drive and teleport back" I explains.

"I love that idea" Brainstorm says. "Simple but I can work with it" Volt agreed with my plan. "Boom, you're a genius" Dad says. "I get to use my powers" AWOL smiled.

"Okay so when she pitches teleporting everyone loves it," ShoutOut said. "-But when I pitch it, everyone gets quiet" She questions.

"Yours was boring, sorry" I shrugged. "It was the same thing" ShoutOut said. "No it wasn't" Me and Volt said together while shaking our heads. "She really sold it" Dad says. "Aw thanks" I placed my hand on my chest and smiled.

"Just like Volt, I am also terrified of her" Brainstorm points to me.

I chuckled and Volt fist bumps me. "I taught you well" Volt jokes. I laughed and shook my head. "Your plan isn't going to work" ShoutOut rolled her eyes. "It's a great plan what could go wrong" AWOL says before taking a bite of his cabbage and teleporting out of our RV and into deuce's.

We all looked out the window to see if he made it but instead he teleports back inside with the hard drive briefcase and two of Deuce's mercs.

"Something went wrong!" AWOL said as he struggled with the two dudes.

"Told you your plan wouldn't work, they never do" ShoutOut says to me. "Why I oughta-" I said before Volt covers my mouth with her hand. "Hmm" ShoutOut smirk. I glared at her and Volt removes her hand. "Uh guys a little help" AWOL said.

"Why did you bring them back" ShoutOut questions.

"I grabbed the briefcase and they grabbed me" AWOL said. "Well get them outta here" Captain Man said. "What no the hard dri..." ShoutOut called out before getting teleported with AWOL.

They left one of the mercs with us.

"First time teleporting" Captain asked. The dude nodded while covering his mouth. "Yeah you're gonna be sick" He said. "Here, take two of these, they probably won't make you feel better" Dad said before punching him.


AWOL came back with more people on him. Captain Man tried to remove the dudes off of his sidekick but it didn't work out. "Where is ShoutOut" Volt asked. "In deuce's RV" AWOL said. Volt groaned before we went to go help with the mercs.

I pulled one of the dudes off of AWOL and turns out it wasn't a dude it was a girl.

"Aw, you have a really pretty face," I smiled. "-But I'm gonna have to mess it up" I shrugged before punching her in the face.

"Can you please teleport correctly this time" Captain says while punching a merc back and forth. "I'm trying" AWOL said. "But I'm tired and my tummy is full with cabbage" AWOL groaned as he took another bite of cabbage. "That's ten thousand though" He says before the merc he knock out lassos a electrical belt around him.

He spits out the cabbage and teleports out of the RV and into Deuce's.

AWOL teleports inside again but this time with ShoutOut. Me and Volt tried to take the belt off him but he ends up teleporting us and the dudes we were fighting on the top of the RV. He leaves again.

"Well this is fun" I joked before kicking the dude off my leg.

"Yeah super fun" Volt sassed and rolled her eyes. Okay what's her problem. "Did you really have to pick a fight with ShoutOut" She questions before punching the dude she was fighting in the face.

"That's what you really want to talk about right now" I huffed before using my force field to block a hit.

"Maybe she shouldn't try to pick a argument with me every five seconds while we're talking" I stated. "She's trying to be friends, why can't you see that" Volt zaps the dude behind me.

"Why are you taking her side" I asked.

"-She doesn't want to be friends believe me, I know fake when I see it" I stated. "The girl just wants to get closer to you" I drop kick the dude Volt was fighting before he could hit her.

"God, You're so jealous and all you care about is yourself" Volt spat.

I do not.

"Okay, tell me how you really feel" I scoffed before pushing the dude off the RV out of anger. "Besides you're the one to talk, you can't handle your rage issues for more than five seconds without zapping something" I said. "I DON'T HAVE RAGE ISSUES" Volt yelled before zapped the other dude behind her, He fell off the RV screaming.

"I'm sure you don't" I rolled my eyes before AWOL teleported back on the RV with ShoutOut and two more people join us.

"I- I can't teleport anymore" AWOL says as he wobbles around making the belt slid off of his body. "I'm gassed" He said before plopping down on the RV. "AWOL, are you okay" I asked. "Oh please, He's fine" ShoutOut said. "Just need a minute" I heard him mumbled.

Somehow the dude that I knock off the van joined us once again.

"WHAT THE HECK, I JUST KICKED YOU OFF!" I whined in annoyance.

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